Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Heyo everybody... I am back in town now in case you didnt know. I got back Sunday... Ya, by the time my parents return i will not have seen them in two weeks... Thats kinda odd for me. Not to say its a bad thing. Just odd. Last nite i went to see the exocist with Ian Dustin and Kels. Its was alright. I do not enjoy when shit jumps out in from of me. I screamed like 6 times... It sucked... Tonite im going to see another movie. I dont know what yet. But we'll see. I had an awesome time in edmonton. And the drunken email was worth it. lol... i feel WAY better. *scottish accent* i shed a wee tear, and i moved on. Lol. good times Lauryn. Speaking of, Lauryn youre such an awesome friend. Thanks for all of your support and assistince through my trials and tribulations. You rock my world! On my last evening in Edmonton we went bowling. Everytime i go up there we go glow bowling. Its awesome. And this time i got to drink. Cuz im old enough. YAY! oh, it was funny, even when i wasnt drunk yet, i accidentally lost control of the ball, and it went into another lane... It was funny. Then, the more i drank the better i got. I won the last 2 games, out of 5 i think. on the fourth game, i kicked ass... I got three strikes in a row. And for those of you who dont know, that is called a turkey. Yes yes, Tristan, its hilarious, i got a turkey, MOVING ON. So ya. I had a good time. Then on saturday i met up with Ian Kels and Dustin at Gull Lake and spent the nite there camping. It was fun. I learned how to play Euchre... which i am now obsessed with. Thanks Ian. And sleeping in the tent with dustin was so fun. I beat him up. And we played twenty questions. WAAHOO! Thats pretty much all thats new...

Im gonna go now...

ttfn, Jaryd

Friday, August 27, 2004

Jaclyn darling... you do not have to get so upset because i didnt actually "steal" them. And where i got them from, it is a site where, "borrowing" icons is well practiced. I can understand why you would be upset. But I didnt use your icons. And it doesnt bother the makers of the icons or esle they would not put them up for thousands of people to see and use. You concern is well noted. And now im going to have a nap.

ttfn, Jaryd

well, may i just say that yesterday, totally fucking sucked ass... Seriously. It blew. Do you ever just think that maybe you fabricated the whole thing. The tale was too perfect. Well that how i feel. Im not going into details, but im really upset... And you know what the worst part is. I cried. And not like a build up of emotions climaxing into an explosion of tears. No No. Im talking instantaneous. BOOM. theres no stopping those tears. The just like dropped a cement block on to you head. A coma of tears. Yuck. This totally sucks. And now, even though i really have a very minute reason to do this, i am doubting everything. Every conversation, every look, every touch, every fucking memory. It will all be ruined by the time im done. i dont want it to be. I dont want to make this fairy tale self destruct, but i dont know if it even exists or if it will be recorded in the banks of our minds. Maybe it never happened. Maybe i just made it up... BUT I KNOW I DIDNT. I know for a fact its non fiction. So what the hell is going on? GAH. I feel so helpless. Im stuck wondering. Im sick of wondering. Ive wondered enough. Now i just want to know. PLEASE. can someone just tell me that i have nothing to worry about. Nothing to wonder about... I know you cant. It will just be another chapter of my life that will have to end. I wanted it to be perfect, and for a while it was. But i cant do it anymore. Its too hard. Was it really as good as i made it sound? See... im all about doubt.

ttfn, Jaryd

PS: i stole bunches of icons, the ones that spoke to me. They are pretty, and acurate. Bye bye...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

This afternoon i watched "Big Fish" it was simply wonderful. A lovely movie. It was awesome. you should see it.

I have recently rediscovered my uncles cd collection, and todays music shall be dedicated to the 80s... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is all... for now.

ttfn, Jaryd
look what i got! Its from Katy!!!

tee hee!!!

ttfn, Jiggy

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Well... here i am in edmonton. Its about 1130 pm and im talking to Cory whilst sipping on a mixture of 7Up cranberry juice and vodka... it is yummy. This is good times. Ive been doing a lot of writing. Mostly about things that bother me and that i have no control over them. I think that is helping my stress because i cant do anything about it really. Unless i stop talking/seeing the people who are important to me. So yes... last nite i watched 2 movies. The first was Ella enchanted... it was horrid. SO BAD. and the second was The Girl Next Door, which was totally awesome. Seriously. And today i bought Monster and Big Fish... neither of which i have watched, but perhaps tomorrow. Thats pretty much all ive been up to... Im having a great time though. Doing nothing is fun... And this web cam is totally awesome! Im kinda addicted to it...

Thats all for now... its now 1210... its not even a long entry. Crazy hey. Oh ya, i have to go type something up for Lauryn...

ttfn, Jaryd

and just so i remember, 99831126958. dont ask.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Dear Jaryd,Here is your horoscopefor Sunday, August 22:
A long-distance loved one is about to become the center of attention. Whether they're involved in your life due to fate or careful planning, be sure you really want to do the dance before you extend your hand.

Ahh horoscopes, how i love them... *sigh*

Im up here in Edmonton now... and YAY!!!! Im so freeking happy to be here. You guys just have no idea. It was crappy weather to drive in, but i made it safe and sound.

I shall talk to you all later, and i hope youre having a good time in the rain!!!

ttfn, Jaryd

Saturday, August 21, 2004

hello. I have much to say, and little time to say it. Yesterday i went to Chestermere (i know what youre thinking, why the hell would i do that? but there was a party... and ya know, i like parties... so i went). I had an awesome time. Probably one of the best partays ive been to in a long time. One of those parties where youve met most of the people but arent really friends with them. Ya, it was awesome. There were many talented people out there to. And i paid Kenny and Jarrett 25C each to play their version of "Hit me baby one more time". it was so funny! I met some awesome people though. I saw some things that shall not be forgotten anytime soon and i believe i said some things outloud that i probably shouldnt have. But meh. I dont really care. Thats what happens when i do shots... HAHAHA, sorry, just remembered something. Anyway, ya, it was awesome.

I read my horoscope today. And it made me sad. Not really, just the vague accuracy of it. Anyway...

Tomorrow I leave. Im so happy. And kinda sad at the same time. Im happy to be leaving, but sad to be leaving people. But the more people i see the more problems i seem to have. I dunno. I just want to be rid of all of my worries. I know that will never happen. But i think this lil getaway will be a good time for reflection. And i need to find out what i want. I dont really know that. So we'll see....

bye bye bye!!!

ttfn, Jaryd

Thursday, August 19, 2004

This entry... Shall be dedicated to icons. And all of their goodness. AND GO!

i believe this is my favouritest icon... its just nice :)

by which i mean, i was gonna post up some icons, but i dunno, i believe it would be rather pointless because eventually you guys are gonna see most of them anyway. perhaps i shall post an initial icon to represent something during my day and then a second icon for display purposes only. Yes, that will be fun.

I was inspired by Robin Williams to make this icon. I believe it to be good times. Just because, well you would have had to have seen Live on Broadway to understand it. here...

fun fun fun...

so i still feel sick... I want to feel better... Now! gah. I was supposed to go out with Tara tonite to see her friend perform at Karma, but she had to work on a script shes writing. So that didnt work out according to plan. But hopefully tomorrow will. im looking forward to it. Im going to see the teen class of august perf. heh. perf. Um ya, in the afternoon and then im heading out to Chestermere. I beleive. As it stands now anyway. If the rest of my weekend goes to plan i will be very very very very very very very very very very very happy. Yes.

that is all for now i think...

ttfn, Jiggy

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Word. I feel really sick right now. I hope i dont get super sick. Cuz that would be sad. And i have big plans starting tomorrow! Im going to Karma with Tara, cuz one of her friends is playing there. Hopefully that will be fun. Then on Friday i think Ill head out to Chestermere... And ill see EM! YAY! She woke me up this am, which was rather pleasant! I miss her. Then on saturday im going to the football game with my momma! YAY! and then... the big day. heh, leaving this place and everyone in it! I love you guys but i really need to go! go go go! and i am. and then after that adventure, hopefully ill be going camping with Ian and Dustin and Kels and Mike and Penis. It will probably be the last time we are ever all together. So i hope it works out.

I dont think this will ever be the same. I dont know what to do. But i dont want to give up... this sucks ass.

thats all for now...

ttfn, Jiggy

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

First point of interest: How come, we dont even talk no more? (a song part)

Second: *sings* back to school, back to school. to prove to dad that im not a fool. (etc) 10 points to the person who can tell me what movie that is from. Anyway, i went in for all of my courses for the first semester. Im excited. Im so glad im not gonna be stuck watching daytime tv, like some of my other friends. lol.

Third: One of the reasons people dont talk no more is because other people around them have no lives and they gossip to these people about how much they hate you/you hate them, then you actually start believing that they hate you, which makes you hate them even more, until a nine month anniversary comes up. In short, I called Kels yesterday, and surprisingly we talked for 2 and half hours. Umm Hmm, so just so all of you know. I DO NOT HATE KELSEY. KELSEY DOES NOT HATE ME. WE GOT OVER IT. AND WE WANT YOU TO STOP GOSSIPING ABOUT IT. ok, super.

Fourth: my uncle called today to confirm that i was coming up to edmonton and i am so fucking excited. SO EXCITED! And not just because i get to see Cory (hopefully) but that i get to leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM LEAVING! WAA HOO. so ya..... super happy about that.

Fifth: I need to call people more and let them know i care. Especially those people that i dont see as often as i used to.

ttfn, Jaryd

ALSO: I watched Cold Mountain today. Oh... My... Goodness... So good. AND Jack White is in it. From the White Stripes. Which i find amusing. That movie is packed with talent. Normally there are only a couple good people in a movie. But every scene i was like, Oh thats _______ they were in ______. Thats the movie. So good. bye bye now!

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well... It has been exactly one month of complete and total non smoking. I have not inhaled one puff of first hand smoke in on month. Im fairly proud of myself, and last weekend i sat with Renee on her balcony while she smoked and i didnt ask for any. YAY! I do still have a problem at parties though, so thats my next big step, is not to even think about smoking at a party... Pfft, like that will happen.

Anyway, i treated myself to something today. I figure i saved about $80 since the second of July from not buying cigarrettes, so i got myself a $30 treat. Im happy. YAY! Jolene was like, why do you need your hair cut? Why dont you save a buck? I was like, if you only knew...

ttfn, Jaryd

I dont have much to say except that i cant wait to leave this place. I cant stand it here anymore... i want to go. Now.

I do enjoy the icon thing... still...

Jeff was drunk tonite, so i asked him if i could post our conversation... he said yes...

in darkness you are all i see says:
hi jeff
jeff says:
hi jaryd
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
not too much, just finishing up my latest batch of icons...
jeff says:
jeff says:
i ons
jeff says:
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
jeff says:
jeff says:
sound it out
in darkness you are all i see says:
eff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
jeff says:
jeff says:
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
ok wtf...
in darkness you are all i see says:
im confused
jeff says:
jeff says:
it'ew over@!
in darkness you are all i see says:
are you drunk?
jeff says:
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
so how was your day?
jeff says:
jeff says:
jeff says:
nnot really
jeff says:
it wans't ujti later
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
ok... what are you drinking?
jeff says:
i'm not
jeff says:
i WAS drinking vodka
in darkness you are all i see says:
jeff says:
but the party is voer
jeff says:
and i am at home
in darkness you are all i see says:
safe and sound
in darkness you are all i see says:
was it a fun party?
jeff says:
jeff says:
it was ok
jeff says:
i was at my friends house
jeff says:
i wasn't even going to drink
in darkness you are all i see says:
oh ya
jeff says:
then i was the drunkest person there
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
but now youre not drunk
jeff says:
jeff says:
on ono
jeff says:
now i've very drunkl
in darkness you are all i see says:
i can tell
jeff says:
jeff says:
heh yes
in darkness you are all i see says:
im gonna send you a copy of this later
jeff says:
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
perhaps ill put it in my blog
in darkness you are all i see says:
is that ok?
jeff says:
heh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jeff says:
jeff says:
jeff says:
it was sarcasm first
in darkness you are all i see says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
when are we gonna hang out?
jeff says:
jeff says:
i promise
in darkness you are all i see says:
jeff says:
jeff says:
so no worrying!
in darkness you are all i see says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
im not worring, just wondering
jeff says:
jeff says:
jeff says:
in darkness you are all i see says:
cuz im leaving town next weekend
jeff says:
jeff says:
for hwon long?
in darkness you are all i see says:
a week and a half ish
jeff says:
where are you going?
in darkness you are all i see says:
jeff says:
tos ee cory?
in darkness you are all i see says:
if i hear from him ill probably see him, but im going to visit my uncle
jeff says:
jeff says:
well thas't good
in darkness you are all i see says:

funny stuff...

ttfn, Jaryd

Lauryn, i have made a few icons with you in mind, so here they are...

and im sorry for this one, but it had to be done. I saw the picture, and thats all there was to it...

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, August 09, 2004

The overgrad thing is becoming more and more apparent... Chinas party, where i was the only grad of this year, was weird enough... I had lots of fun, but it was still weird. And now, I've been invited to 4 day party... I've met this overgrad once. Its all very weird to me. Im sure it will be fun times and im looking forward to it. But its still weird. And the closer September gets the more akward i feel. The friendships i had in highschool are all changing so quickly with this summer. I dont know whats gonna happen in september. I feel like im barely holding onto imaginary things that used to exist, but that have somehow disappeared. I dont know what happened. I cant control everything. Today i even went out for coffee with an overgrad. One that i didnt even attend high school with. That doesnt mean anything, cuz hes awesome and i have a super time, but its just so weird. Im becoming friends with a whole new type of people. People who are older than me, as opposed to younger, which has been the case for a while. Its different and i dont not like it.

I had an afternoon nap today. I had very vivid dreams. So much so that i felt like crying the rest of the day when i woke up. they were weird dreams, but i felt like i had had them before. And i didnt even want to nap. I just passed out. I wasnt tired at all. and then i couldnt wake up. I think i may be slipping away again. I hate it. I dont want to. Just things are getting to me in every aspect of my life it seems so my mind wants to slip away. Away from everyone and everything. Im sorry.

ttfn, Jaryd

this is only a possibility in a world of possibilities
there are obviously
there are many possibilities ranging from small to large
before long there will be short
before short there was nothing
when there was nothing
there was always the possibility
of something becoming what it is

I thought it was neat. I hope you enjoy it as well...

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

This is so weird. Its like we're working backwards. Its odd. I would have never guessed you to be the tortured poet type. You dont look like a poet. But then who am i to judge based on appearances. Im not judging though, just surprised. In person, you dont seem like that at all. I mean, you live two different lives. I guess it must be hard though, to live up to your parents expectations and be yourself at once. well, everyone has to do that, but on varying degrees... Hmm, we shall have to see how this one turns out.

ttfn, Jiggy

PS, I really like talking to you...
http://www.kwiz.biz/showquiz.php?quizid=145" method="post">
Insanity Test
Your problem is Sexual Addiction
Will you ever be cured? (8) - Don't count on it. - (8)
Just how crazy are you? - 21%
This cool quiz by insanitydefense - Taken 173247 Times.
Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

***The following was written on a napkin on a bench outside City Hall at approximately 9:45am***

When you smile at a stranger on the street you expect, at the very least, a smile back. BUT, sometimes you get much much more than expected. Most times more includes and akward "hello" or "good morning". And, on the very rare occasion, the act of being picked up. Sometimes it's flattering, but on the other hand i want to scream at the top of my lungs, "JUST BECAUSE I SMILED AT YOU AND HAVE BREASTS DOES NOT MEAN I WANT YOU!"

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, August 02, 2004

Back again. So i had a weird evening. This house is so unstable its infuriating. But i did have a lovely conversation this evening. I mean people were calling me all nite for some reason. But i came on msn and there was this guy from my theatre group on there, so i just started talking to him. I didnt expect it to be a long conversation, just a sorta "hi, this is ______ by the way" but we talked for a while and it seemed natural like we picked up a past conversation except there was no past conversation. It was really cool. Anyway, thats the jist of my evening... How was yours?

ttfn, Jaryd
Heyo... Today, i started cleaning my room. If you have ever seen my room, you will know that this never happens... Im 18 years old and i dont clean my room. Unless im angry. I dont normally clean unless im angry. But the weird thing is is that im not angry. Im frustrated, but im probably about a 3rd of the way done. Once again, if you have seen my room, you will understand. Im fairly proud of myself. At any rate Jolene is still psycho. My only explanation is Menopause. Crazy Woman.

I want to get a hair cut... Perhaps i will do that. Its been a long time, i cant even remember, and well... my hair is getting kind of mad at me. With the spilt ends and all. Hmm... maybe maybe maybe.

I found my hacky sack today. It made me happy! Then i played for a bit. Which also made me happy. That is all on that topic.

Since ive been making icons ive been writing down quotes like a mofo. No matter how many icons i make, i always have more quotes. Hmm... must make more icons!

Im addicted to a song. I'll Be by Edwin McCain. Its so pretty... i love it.

ill be back later... i think.

ttfn, Jiggy

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I am a loser. Yes thats right. A loser. Tonite, i made icons, watched Casablanca and then made more icons... I cant help it. Im addicted, i dont even care if no one sees them. Its fun. I will not tell you how many i have made. Its horrible...

Anyway, i burnt myself tonite. On the oven element when it was on broil. Its rather painful. Ill be sleeping with an ice pact... for my burn... nevermind.

I finally got The Messenger by The Tea Party... so good... so so so good.

I had something else to say... i dont remember though... hmm. well, i guess thats it. So many icons, so much fun!

ttfn, Jaryd

Ok, so last nite was Chinas Party. It was pretty fun. Kenny is really really funny. I met some really cool people, got dragged into negotiations (which i got myself out of, by the way). over all it was a fun time, and the dog came back home, which was lovely. I dont really have much to say, except that it has much to do with hate, but more with love. (the first person to tell me where that is from gets 20 points. this could be a new game. that one is really easy too.)

ttfn, Jaryd