Monday, August 09, 2004

The overgrad thing is becoming more and more apparent... Chinas party, where i was the only grad of this year, was weird enough... I had lots of fun, but it was still weird. And now, I've been invited to 4 day party... I've met this overgrad once. Its all very weird to me. Im sure it will be fun times and im looking forward to it. But its still weird. And the closer September gets the more akward i feel. The friendships i had in highschool are all changing so quickly with this summer. I dont know whats gonna happen in september. I feel like im barely holding onto imaginary things that used to exist, but that have somehow disappeared. I dont know what happened. I cant control everything. Today i even went out for coffee with an overgrad. One that i didnt even attend high school with. That doesnt mean anything, cuz hes awesome and i have a super time, but its just so weird. Im becoming friends with a whole new type of people. People who are older than me, as opposed to younger, which has been the case for a while. Its different and i dont not like it.

I had an afternoon nap today. I had very vivid dreams. So much so that i felt like crying the rest of the day when i woke up. they were weird dreams, but i felt like i had had them before. And i didnt even want to nap. I just passed out. I wasnt tired at all. and then i couldnt wake up. I think i may be slipping away again. I hate it. I dont want to. Just things are getting to me in every aspect of my life it seems so my mind wants to slip away. Away from everyone and everything. Im sorry.

ttfn, Jaryd


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