Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Well... here i am in edmonton. Its about 1130 pm and im talking to Cory whilst sipping on a mixture of 7Up cranberry juice and vodka... it is yummy. This is good times. Ive been doing a lot of writing. Mostly about things that bother me and that i have no control over them. I think that is helping my stress because i cant do anything about it really. Unless i stop talking/seeing the people who are important to me. So yes... last nite i watched 2 movies. The first was Ella enchanted... it was horrid. SO BAD. and the second was The Girl Next Door, which was totally awesome. Seriously. And today i bought Monster and Big Fish... neither of which i have watched, but perhaps tomorrow. Thats pretty much all ive been up to... Im having a great time though. Doing nothing is fun... And this web cam is totally awesome! Im kinda addicted to it...

Thats all for now... its now 1210... its not even a long entry. Crazy hey. Oh ya, i have to go type something up for Lauryn...

ttfn, Jaryd

and just so i remember, 99831126958. dont ask.


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