Saturday, August 21, 2004

hello. I have much to say, and little time to say it. Yesterday i went to Chestermere (i know what youre thinking, why the hell would i do that? but there was a party... and ya know, i like parties... so i went). I had an awesome time. Probably one of the best partays ive been to in a long time. One of those parties where youve met most of the people but arent really friends with them. Ya, it was awesome. There were many talented people out there to. And i paid Kenny and Jarrett 25C each to play their version of "Hit me baby one more time". it was so funny! I met some awesome people though. I saw some things that shall not be forgotten anytime soon and i believe i said some things outloud that i probably shouldnt have. But meh. I dont really care. Thats what happens when i do shots... HAHAHA, sorry, just remembered something. Anyway, ya, it was awesome.

I read my horoscope today. And it made me sad. Not really, just the vague accuracy of it. Anyway...

Tomorrow I leave. Im so happy. And kinda sad at the same time. Im happy to be leaving, but sad to be leaving people. But the more people i see the more problems i seem to have. I dunno. I just want to be rid of all of my worries. I know that will never happen. But i think this lil getaway will be a good time for reflection. And i need to find out what i want. I dont really know that. So we'll see....

bye bye bye!!!

ttfn, Jaryd


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