Tuesday, August 03, 2004

***The following was written on a napkin on a bench outside City Hall at approximately 9:45am***

When you smile at a stranger on the street you expect, at the very least, a smile back. BUT, sometimes you get much much more than expected. Most times more includes and akward "hello" or "good morning". And, on the very rare occasion, the act of being picked up. Sometimes it's flattering, but on the other hand i want to scream at the top of my lungs, "JUST BECAUSE I SMILED AT YOU AND HAVE BREASTS DOES NOT MEAN I WANT YOU!"

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why one wears a fake engagement ring, and doesn't ever make eye contact. Ever.


11:31 p.m., August 03, 2004  

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