Sunday, August 01, 2004

I am a loser. Yes thats right. A loser. Tonite, i made icons, watched Casablanca and then made more icons... I cant help it. Im addicted, i dont even care if no one sees them. Its fun. I will not tell you how many i have made. Its horrible...

Anyway, i burnt myself tonite. On the oven element when it was on broil. Its rather painful. Ill be sleeping with an ice pact... for my burn... nevermind.

I finally got The Messenger by The Tea Party... so good... so so so good.

I had something else to say... i dont remember though... hmm. well, i guess thats it. So many icons, so much fun!

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooooohh.. Pretty icons. Pretty, like icons, that are pretty. I like muchly. : )


12:19 a.m., August 02, 2004  

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