Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Word. I feel really sick right now. I hope i dont get super sick. Cuz that would be sad. And i have big plans starting tomorrow! Im going to Karma with Tara, cuz one of her friends is playing there. Hopefully that will be fun. Then on Friday i think Ill head out to Chestermere... And ill see EM! YAY! She woke me up this am, which was rather pleasant! I miss her. Then on saturday im going to the football game with my momma! YAY! and then... the big day. heh, leaving this place and everyone in it! I love you guys but i really need to go! go go go! and i am. and then after that adventure, hopefully ill be going camping with Ian and Dustin and Kels and Mike and Penis. It will probably be the last time we are ever all together. So i hope it works out.

I dont think this will ever be the same. I dont know what to do. But i dont want to give up... this sucks ass.

thats all for now...

ttfn, Jiggy


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