Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Heyo everybody... I am back in town now in case you didnt know. I got back Sunday... Ya, by the time my parents return i will not have seen them in two weeks... Thats kinda odd for me. Not to say its a bad thing. Just odd. Last nite i went to see the exocist with Ian Dustin and Kels. Its was alright. I do not enjoy when shit jumps out in from of me. I screamed like 6 times... It sucked... Tonite im going to see another movie. I dont know what yet. But we'll see. I had an awesome time in edmonton. And the drunken email was worth it. lol... i feel WAY better. *scottish accent* i shed a wee tear, and i moved on. Lol. good times Lauryn. Speaking of, Lauryn youre such an awesome friend. Thanks for all of your support and assistince through my trials and tribulations. You rock my world! On my last evening in Edmonton we went bowling. Everytime i go up there we go glow bowling. Its awesome. And this time i got to drink. Cuz im old enough. YAY! oh, it was funny, even when i wasnt drunk yet, i accidentally lost control of the ball, and it went into another lane... It was funny. Then, the more i drank the better i got. I won the last 2 games, out of 5 i think. on the fourth game, i kicked ass... I got three strikes in a row. And for those of you who dont know, that is called a turkey. Yes yes, Tristan, its hilarious, i got a turkey, MOVING ON. So ya. I had a good time. Then on saturday i met up with Ian Kels and Dustin at Gull Lake and spent the nite there camping. It was fun. I learned how to play Euchre... which i am now obsessed with. Thanks Ian. And sleeping in the tent with dustin was so fun. I beat him up. And we played twenty questions. WAAHOO! Thats pretty much all thats new...

Im gonna go now...

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, yes. You had sex with a turkey. Get over it already. Geez.


8:40 p.m., August 31, 2004  

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