Sunday, August 01, 2004

Ok, so last nite was Chinas Party. It was pretty fun. Kenny is really really funny. I met some really cool people, got dragged into negotiations (which i got myself out of, by the way). over all it was a fun time, and the dog came back home, which was lovely. I dont really have much to say, except that it has much to do with hate, but more with love. (the first person to tell me where that is from gets 20 points. this could be a new game. that one is really easy too.)

ttfn, Jaryd


Blogger Keeler said...

Awww.... Jiggy, you make the rockin' world go 'round. I love the emo polkadots. Very cute. Also, i'm sorry i bailed on you with the partay. Gimme a call.

11:02 p.m., August 01, 2004  

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