Thursday, August 19, 2004

This entry... Shall be dedicated to icons. And all of their goodness. AND GO!

i believe this is my favouritest icon... its just nice :)

by which i mean, i was gonna post up some icons, but i dunno, i believe it would be rather pointless because eventually you guys are gonna see most of them anyway. perhaps i shall post an initial icon to represent something during my day and then a second icon for display purposes only. Yes, that will be fun.

I was inspired by Robin Williams to make this icon. I believe it to be good times. Just because, well you would have had to have seen Live on Broadway to understand it. here...

fun fun fun...

so i still feel sick... I want to feel better... Now! gah. I was supposed to go out with Tara tonite to see her friend perform at Karma, but she had to work on a script shes writing. So that didnt work out according to plan. But hopefully tomorrow will. im looking forward to it. Im going to see the teen class of august perf. heh. perf. Um ya, in the afternoon and then im heading out to Chestermere. I beleive. As it stands now anyway. If the rest of my weekend goes to plan i will be very very very very very very very very very very very happy. Yes.

that is all for now i think...

ttfn, Jiggy


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