Monday, August 02, 2004

Heyo... Today, i started cleaning my room. If you have ever seen my room, you will know that this never happens... Im 18 years old and i dont clean my room. Unless im angry. I dont normally clean unless im angry. But the weird thing is is that im not angry. Im frustrated, but im probably about a 3rd of the way done. Once again, if you have seen my room, you will understand. Im fairly proud of myself. At any rate Jolene is still psycho. My only explanation is Menopause. Crazy Woman.

I want to get a hair cut... Perhaps i will do that. Its been a long time, i cant even remember, and well... my hair is getting kind of mad at me. With the spilt ends and all. Hmm... maybe maybe maybe.

I found my hacky sack today. It made me happy! Then i played for a bit. Which also made me happy. That is all on that topic.

Since ive been making icons ive been writing down quotes like a mofo. No matter how many icons i make, i always have more quotes. Hmm... must make more icons!

Im addicted to a song. I'll Be by Edwin McCain. Its so pretty... i love it.

ill be back later... i think.

ttfn, Jiggy


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