Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well... It has been exactly one month of complete and total non smoking. I have not inhaled one puff of first hand smoke in on month. Im fairly proud of myself, and last weekend i sat with Renee on her balcony while she smoked and i didnt ask for any. YAY! I do still have a problem at parties though, so thats my next big step, is not to even think about smoking at a party... Pfft, like that will happen.

Anyway, i treated myself to something today. I figure i saved about $80 since the second of July from not buying cigarrettes, so i got myself a $30 treat. Im happy. YAY! Jolene was like, why do you need your hair cut? Why dont you save a buck? I was like, if you only knew...

ttfn, Jaryd


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