Tuesday, August 17, 2004

First point of interest: How come, we dont even talk no more? (a song part)

Second: *sings* back to school, back to school. to prove to dad that im not a fool. (etc) 10 points to the person who can tell me what movie that is from. Anyway, i went in for all of my courses for the first semester. Im excited. Im so glad im not gonna be stuck watching daytime tv, like some of my other friends. lol.

Third: One of the reasons people dont talk no more is because other people around them have no lives and they gossip to these people about how much they hate you/you hate them, then you actually start believing that they hate you, which makes you hate them even more, until a nine month anniversary comes up. In short, I called Kels yesterday, and surprisingly we talked for 2 and half hours. Umm Hmm, so just so all of you know. I DO NOT HATE KELSEY. KELSEY DOES NOT HATE ME. WE GOT OVER IT. AND WE WANT YOU TO STOP GOSSIPING ABOUT IT. ok, super.

Fourth: my uncle called today to confirm that i was coming up to edmonton and i am so fucking excited. SO EXCITED! And not just because i get to see Cory (hopefully) but that i get to leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM LEAVING! WAA HOO. so ya..... super happy about that.

Fifth: I need to call people more and let them know i care. Especially those people that i dont see as often as i used to.

ttfn, Jaryd

ALSO: I watched Cold Mountain today. Oh... My... Goodness... So good. AND Jack White is in it. From the White Stripes. Which i find amusing. That movie is packed with talent. Normally there are only a couple good people in a movie. But every scene i was like, Oh thats _______ they were in ______. Thats the movie. So good. bye bye now!


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