Wednesday, December 31, 2003

I am going to go be lost in a maze of quizzes...

Sweet and fruity, you drink to have fun and love every minute of it!
Congratulations!! You're a strawberry daquiri!!

What Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yay for talking to my Great Grandmother... She is 94, with a bf and she just went on a trip to florida...shes so adorable... I believe i will be going to Alabama in July... Should be good times... apparently i have second cousins... i didnt even know i had first cousins a few years ago... pfft...

ttfn, Jaryd

Ps, in the words of my second cousin Lucinda "Y'all have a happy new year" (with a southern accent of course...)
I am neither here nor there. So stop talking to me! geez... So ya, I hope tonite goes well, im goin to visit with chels then i am off to a lil d's... ya. Hoping and hoping...

At any rate, I hope you all have a super new year.

Sorry about the lack of blog length...

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

My day has just been made great. I got an email from someone i havent talked to in months... This makes me so fricking happy. YOU DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME!!! yay :D

Im so happy and sad all in one... its not very pleasant... but id rather be happy and sad than just sad...

ttfn, Jaryd
I had a bit of fun last nite. Im tired. That is all.

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, December 29, 2003

so ya, umm, i wish to get out of my house. they make me quite upset and i need a release of some kind. I have been reading the born on a rotten day book thing and i realized that for the most part i am close to 2 people from each sign and they are all born in the first half of the year. I really enjoy that book. I read about you guys and im like "ha! that is sooo true" then i read about me and cry... not really, it kinda makes me sad, but in a happy way. Sooooooo... hmm... Im gonna go now...

ttfn, Jaryd

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Well, good morning everyone. I know, its approximately 9am and you are wondering why the fuck i am up this early after working til the wee hours of the morning. If you are infact asking this question you have obviously forgotten that i live with psychos. Simply stated. I wish to go back to sleep, but my bed seems to be increasingly uncomfortable. Perhaps there is a small pea under the mattress. Well, I suppose i will try to sleep because if i dont i will be cranky towards all who cross my path. This makes me sad cuz this is supposed to be a happy care free day...

While im here i might as well blog about yesterdays happenings. Firstly i must remember that i can be seen by others while driving. Some of you know that umm, well, when a "booty smacking song" comes on ya gotta "booty smack". So there i am cruisin' down 16th ave with some blazin hip hop doing the "booty smack" when i glanced to my right. There was this dirty middle age/old man staring at me. Then he proceeded to wink at me and blow me kisses... in one word, eww. BUT, on my way home i perfected the booty smack... well, sort of. Maybe i sooped it up a bit. hehe... best word ever.

I wish to thank my good friends Ian and Kelsey for coming into my work and dirtying more dishes for me. It was a delight to see you both cuz i hate working fridays. No matter how slow they are. yay. Kels, James thought that you were my sistah. booyaw.

The fuzzy dice are up!! YAY. You dont understand how pimped out the car is now. It makes me quite happy. Except that evil parents have stolen it! boo for you.

Lastly, we had a party of thirty come in last nite. Normally this doesnt bother me cuz big groups like that usually just order pizza and only dirty plates and glasses (which are fairly easy to clean). But no, no no no no. They all ordered Lasagna baked with cheese. BAKED WITH CHEESE. **please refer to previous blogs about how much i hate cheese** You have no idea how mad i was. I actually just grabbed a huge cheese bin thats like 3 feet by 2 and filled it up with piping hot water and enzyme shit. Then i left them in there for an hour. I hate things that are baked with cheese. grrg.

With that i will say ta ta because all this writting has gotten me slightly sleepy...

ttfn, Jaryd

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Ok, thanks for that song. It is really good.
img src="" border="0" alt="2">
Orlando Bloom
Please rate this quiz I worked hard on it thanks
and I hope that you had fun

What Celebirty are you going to MARRY?!(14 outcomes with pics for anyone)
brought to you by Quizilla

Orlando Bloom is soooo hot. booyaw. Pirates of the Carribean rocks so much ass, you should all see it!

elegant sexy
You're ELEGANT sexy! You have a tasteful style,
that not only draws attention to you, but gives
you respect. Your style is more graceful than
that of others.

What kind of sexy are you? [For girls only! With Pics! Finally Finished!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Broken Mask
Someone has Broken your heart and it has been
broken many times. You are hurting inside and
you don't know what to do you cry and can't
stop think about who is going to hurt you next.
Please rate my quiz for me thanks and I hope
you had fun

What mask should you wear?(new 19 outcomes with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

ok so this quiz "says" that i am super sad and blah blah blah, but then +in a super cheery voice+ OK HOPE YOU HAD FUN! not really...

i believe that when i cannot remember what quiz i am taking it is time to stop and thusly i have stopped... partly because i have to go to work. and by that i mean get ready...

so ya, i am super happy. people are not mad at me and because teddy bear guy from work changed one of his shifts to tonite. which makes me happy, cuz he has never works on the weekends, and i only work on the weekends... ANYWAY. YAY.

i shall talk to some of you tomorrow... I miss you all, even though ive seen you, some more recently than others, but none the less i miss you all!!!

ttfn, Jiggy

Friday, December 26, 2003

One thing is running through my mind and i cant figure it out. This is normal, but i dont understand it at all... please talk to me. Dont leave me in the dark. I hate the dark...

Thursday, December 25, 2003

umm, heres a question... Where did some of my blog entries go? it seems that most of august has disappeared... what the fuck. now, i know there were entries there, cuz well, i remember them clearly. Where did they go. I dont think i deleted them... im so confused. How could entries just disappear? I want them back... if whoever took them could do so, i would be thankful... Then i would say what the hell is the problem?! how did that happen, you people dont know my password, or do you? now i am freaked out. did someone hack into my blog... that sounds a lil stupid... hmm, grr...

ttfn, Jaryd

PS, have an awesome trip Jeff!
Happy Ho Ho to all...

well, thanks to kels for giving me an awfully great depressing beautiful hot cd... :)

Umm, ya, i loathe my parental units and i now believe that they are alien bitches. I found them when i was a baby and decided, stupidly, to take them in... pfft...

Umm, lets see, not too much to say, except that i hate the material part of christmas. I would much rather spend all of my nites looking at christmas lights then have my parents tell me my friends ruin christmas (which they do not). grrg.

Umm, hmm, Ian wins, he finally gets it. It only took him a few years to figure it out. Although he still called me today and asked me what i wanted... Christmas eve and he calls me from a music store to see what i want. BUT for the most part he understands what i want for christmas, man i love that kid... blah

umm, ok, i believe that is all... i think... wait... ok, i spent a couple of hours at ems tonite, where i recieved a great book about all the negitive aspects of each astrological sign, good times. Her mother gave me a voodoo doll... little scary... kinda funny, people think they know who i should use it on... they Know nothing. hehe... (except not really) Her father is the scariest mofo. Seriously, to look at him you would think nothing of the sort, but then he speaks... its crazy cuz he is a lil man, but SCARY. boo... (sorry em)

ok, i believe that is all for now... I wish you all a happy ho ho again. and i shall leave you with a direct quote... "if you want wine you will play with the boys" " "
~~~~someones mother... i dont know her name

ttfn, Jiggy...

Monday, December 22, 2003

Ok, so i had a fucked up day and it all ended in Jolene saving my ass from the wrath of the justice system... Basically i skimmed a WHITE mini van in the parking lot of marlborough mall, didnt think i did any damage, so i left... then i got a phone call from my parents saying that i was in an accident and i had to go to the cop shop... great...
So i get there and theres about 4 inchs of blue paint on this van and about the same in white on my car (which i didnt even notice, even when i looked for it) and we work out an agreement for the damages then this cop starts reading me the riot act about hit and runs. Now i thought that that meant hitting a person... NO, anything that you touch and leave is a hit and run... So anyway, i was too shocked to speak (weird huh) so Jolene talked to him and saved my ass from being charged. Merry fucking Christmas...

onto the better parts of my day... YAY FOR THE GIN BLOSSOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (im not that hard to shop for if you listen to what i say) and thanks for that hug, hugs are really good stress relievers... :)

Next, i dont normally work on mondays so i dont see a lot of the staff, just basically the people who work on fridays and saturdays... so ya, the point that i am attempting to make, here it comes, wait, ok, is that i met a really cute guy at work! one that i have never seen before... hes pretty cool, kinda like a teddy bear, but ya, good times!

umm ya... i believe that is all...

if i dont see you, i shall wish you a happy christmas, and if i do see you... well, whatever, im going now...

ttfn, Jaryd

Saturday, December 20, 2003

I'm Lu Xun! Which officer of Wu are you?

boyish hey... fucking bastards!

You are Da Qiao

You are Da Qiao!

Sweet, helpful, and mature, you're like a big sister. You take care of the people you love, though they may take you for granted.

Which Female Dynasty Warriors Character Are You?

someone must get me away from anime...

ttfn, Jaryd
Well, another day of no laughing... It hurts too much... physically i mean. I felt a lot better after going to school (and by that i mean being in the building), laughter is the best medicine. Thanks!

Umm, ya, im off to the zoo to see the last showing of "winter follies" and the white tiger, yay! Then its off to work... grr, but yay cuz Luke is back from his trip! We must see how much pot he smoked while in victoria... stupid druggies.

On that note i shall say drugs are bad and im having troubles giving up a certain cd... but i must...

Jiggy Status - sorta
goin out on monday, goin out on monday, goin out on monday, hey hey hey hey!!

should i be this excited about this?? hmm...

ttfn, Super Jiggy!! :)

PS. my christmas wish is for everyone to be somewhat happy...

Friday, December 19, 2003

Well, last nite i threw up 5 times, then i went to school to get my stuff. That turned into me cleaning out my condo and finding plastic wrap. Then i wrapped Tristan in it and took him to shoppers to get a camera so i could document "the best last day of school before christmas break ever". good times. It turned into an interesting day... I feel better than yesterday, but not a lot... I need to get out of this house though. Im not home more than half an hour and i want to leave. Perhaps i shall...

I will miss you...

ttfn, Jaryd

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Ani Difranco - Glass House

sitting in my glass house
while your ghost is sleeping down the hall
watching the little birds fly
kamikaze missions into the walls
think i'm going to stay in today
sit on the couch and watch them fall
life keeps getting harder
and it just keeps getting harder to hide
the darker it is around me
the easier it is to see inside
outside the glass
the whole world is magnified
and it's half an inch
from here to the other side
i guess that push has come to this
so i guess this must be shove
but before you throw those stones at me
tell me, what is your house made of?
and if you think you know what i'm doing wrong
you're gonna have to get in line
but for the purposes of this song
let's just say i'm doing fine
i guess i'm doing fine
trapped in my glass house
a crowd has been gathering outside since dawn
i make a pot of coffee
while catastrophe awaits me out on the lawn
think i'm going to stay in today
and pretend like i don't know what's going on
yeah, i guess that push has come to this
so i guess this must be shove
but before you throw those stones at me
tell me, what is your house made of?
and if you think you know what i'm doing wrong
you're gonna half to get in line
but for the purposes of this song
let's just say i'm doing fine
i think i'm doing fine

except im not...

hehehe, change it or i shall be forced to use my expert kung-foo knowledge on you!!


ttfn, Jiggy

PS, thanks for linking me! :)

1. Performing
2. Ending a shitty day happily...

Everything else...
1. I wish everyone would cut the bullshit
2. I used a lot of mental energy on stupid worthless sorrows today
3. I wish i didnt have such angry feelings towards immature people
4. grrg.

ttfn, Jaryd

PS: I had a joking contest with Jolene tonite... I asked her if i could go pimp myself out on 3rd ave as long as i didnt get pregnant, and she said as long as i turned $1000 dollars a trick!! And she says that we dont live in the ghetto. How the hell would she use that phrase so freely if she didnt live in the ghetto, pfft.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Well, i just read Jeffs Journal, and you have no idea how happy i am that he used the word/sound... pft... even though i spell it, pfft, it makes the same sound... yay
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
pisces horoscope

Your Tuesday horoscope, Jaryd!
Worrying will only exacerbate a negative situation. Focus on independent projects and friendships you have neglected. Be assertive about getting what you want, rather than working to always please others.

Apparently I am to change everything about myself, be independant, assertive and put my feelings ahead of everyone elses... HAHAHAHA thats a laugh.

Well, my day that was filled with stuff to do turned into doing nothing and then doing nothing that was on my list of things to do...

So... I couldnt go anywhere until the truck was fixed which didnt happen until about 230, then i went shopping with my mother which always takes too long, then i stole Kelsey away from Ian at about 4. And when i say stole, i mean that Ian had to go to work so i finally got some time with her... hehe jk. But ya, we ended up going shopping... and by that i mean that she sat in my car and slept while i went christmas shopping. Then we went to see a movie. Stuck on you. It was cute and funny. Good times. Umm, then i drove kels to the gps, and stopped in to see a sick baby, then i came home... yes... that was my day.

I feel i need to write about something satan said a few days ago. It wasnt rude, or cruel, so i think i should write about so i (and you) can remember that she is not completely a bitch, pretty much, but not completely. But ya, so i got some mail and it was the scholarship i had won. And she replied to this by telling me how much she admired my commitment to things. And that i remind her that there is good in the world, but that she has been hurt by it a lot. At this point i wanted to stop her sob story and smack her into reality. Instead i responded in a better way, i said that no matter how many times you get hurt, or want to give up, you cant. You have to keep going because eventually there will be someone or something that changes your life for the better. You cannot wallow in self pity forever. I dunno, it kinda made me happy that she can see that i do push through things, but on the other hand, she has no idea how hurt i have been and in many ways, still am. Even in her nicest moments she is selfish. meh...

so ya, christmas shopping, i have no idea what to get boys... grr... last year i had it down and i even improved thier appearances, but this year, pfft, forget about it!!

Jeff, where are you, we must speak... please?

ttfn, Jaryd

Kelsey, you rock my world and yay for our upcoming air trip!!! WAAHOO!!!!!!!!!!! we be chillin' at da hollidae inn.... booyaw!!!!


Monday, December 15, 2003

so apparently the bank by school got robbed today, shortly after i deposited my check... i am thankful i wasnt there when it happened.
well, tears and tears later...

Leave it to one person to make me cry. It seems like he is the only one who knows just what to say to make me so happy that i cry. He inadvertantly picks the times in which to do so, but the best of him always shines through for me when i am down. It makes me wonder why i sometimes waste time on people who dont actually care about me and take me on emotional rollercoasters. I love him so much and i dont know what im going to do without him... all i can think about is 3 doors down, Here without you... That is how i will feel next year without him in my life. I will do all i can in my power to keep him as close as possible, for he, above everyone else in my whole entire life, has been the only person to stick by me, no matter what. He protects me from everything he can, and loves me for who i am, this is a real example of true friendship. We have the ability to fight and grow apart, but we always return to where we belong, in the safety of each others arms. Damn it why the hell do i have to leave. I want so badly to stay and to always be in his presence. Why does it have to be better there... why cant there be a fucking awesome theatre program here. to go or stay, to let the best person in my life slip away, i hate this... I love him so much, but i cant stay. Who would have thought that through the years we would be such good friends... i sure didnt. But im glad and thankful for the time we've had and i will cherish my remaining months with him. The last ones in which i will see him on a semi-daily basis as opposed to monthly... Well, there is nothing but love, and there will always be...

To my poet,

love ya forever..

Your sistah,


Sunday, December 14, 2003

Friday, hmm, working was fine, until about 2am when the manager decided that the cook were going to flip the lines (which means i have to clean out numerous containers), then because i was so far behind i was rushing, and i forgot to look down at the floor in the kitchen and well, lets just say all i remember is being face down on the floor and an incredibly loud crashing sound considering i was carrying many metal bins... fun... I have a scrapped arm/chin and I hit my knee going down (yes haha very funny)
saturday was busier... I woke up, retrieved my christmas tree from the back of the truck. I felt bad that i didnt go with them to get it, but i was excited to decorate it. i didnt have time to decorate so i went to work. And to my surprise when i got home at 5am on sunday morning to see that the tree was put up and decorated. It made me sad...

ttfn, Jaryd

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I sense some anger towards me. And by that i mean someone told me someone may or may not be mad at me. Umm ya, cuz that helps... I hope they arent. I didnt intentionally do anything to upset them. And im sorry if you are angry at me, but i do not see any reason why I should act differently. I refuse to feel bad because maybe someone is upset at me for an unjustified reason. I wont act differently just because you dont like it. You cannot control my actions (especially when they have nothing to do with you) and if you are pissed off maybe you should take into consideration the fact that we have been acting like this for months. And you are not going to change that. It is completly uncalled for. I hope you realize that. grrg.

On to something different. A day gets closer and closer. And the closer it gets the happier I am. But at the same time i get unhappier and unhappier... perhaps this is selfish of me. perhaps i should just choose which to be. it would make everything a lot easier...I wish i could... grrg...

I watched a detailed movie today in social. It made me sad and sick.

I have been rather proud of myself lately, for i have discovered that i can find the hidden meanings in poems easier than the the rest of my class. Sometimes i even point out things my teacher has never thought about. It feels good. I love poetry...

i have loved this song since the first time i heard it and yay for Tristan for putting it up as a song of the week.

Bother ~ Stone Sour

Wish I'd died instead of lived
A zombie hides my face
Shell forgotten
with its memories
Diaries left
with cryptic entries

(this is just my favourite verse)

I believe Ill catch you by the Get up Kids, is beautiful...and horribly horribly sad...

hmm... lets see, oh ya!! fuck you, you fucking fuck... :D

ttfn, Jaryd
Why is that when i get into a heated discussion with you, you frustrate me so much that my cheeks go red and i get a temperature. Im serious... you can be satisfied with the fact that you make me so frustrated, that sometimes you make my blood boil.

have a lovely evening!

ttfn, Jiggy
I am exhausted. Both emotionally and physically. I was going to blog about something, but i seem to be talking about it already. So never mind. To blog about it at this point and time would seem like the only reason i am blogging about it is because im talking about it. But that was not my intention. Ive been thinking about it more than i should. It was interesting watching the people skating. Thats why i thought about it then...

I have a friend who is willing to grow wings for me and fly me away...

Thank Yous...

Jeff, you make me smile when i am sad. Thank you.
Kelsey, you saved me tonite. I would have been in a lot of shit if it werent for you!
Thank you
Tristan, I love to hate you, and I hate to love you. Thank you.
Anthony, Your hugs fill me with happiness even if its temporary. Thank you.
Ian, one day you will know exactly what I want for christmas or my birthday, and when that day comes you will truly know everything about me. for loving me, Thank you.
Dustin, we are so close no matter how far away we are. Thank you.
Dham, you rock my world with your beauty. Thank you.

there are other thank yous... but i must be leaving... something to do with sleep...

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

!. You have to know that one day, you will hit me, and i will hit you back harder than you could ever imagine.
@. Ive seen my share of scrubs for the day
#. Note to everyone: If you do not wish to tell me something, do not mention it. AND especially do not tell me a little bit then cut me off. It instills anger and suspicion in me. Thank you.
$. Denile.
%. Change is possiblity but is possiblity change?
^. I shouldnt listen to this song over and over again. Eventually i will cry.
&. I can stop listening now.
ttfn, Jaryd
Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

true for the most part... sad really

Monday, December 08, 2003

Last nite... First BP's Staff Christmas party. Good times. Luke smacked my ass and said good game. Because apparently its not sexual harassment if you say good game after... funny one. So awesome and sweet. hmm, it was fun. What can i say? I love the people i work with, they love me. Its good. Brett is super cute.

I had 2 lovely english classes today. We discussed a rather beautiful poem. "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold. It is rather brilliant in that you dont know what you are reading about until the very end, and then you read it again, only to discover that the poem isnt about that at all. Its about something rather different. Intriguing. It made me happy. Anyway, hmm, i spent 3 hours alone, in a coffee shop, with the third installment. I wrote more than i usually do and it was really good. 2 pages about you. the beginning and the end. and how happy i am. hmmm. I didnt even think i needed to write about you. I fully intended to write about something else, but oh well. Needs must when the devil drives, whatever the hell that means. aww... its over, i must stop quoting it. On another note. Is it odd to notice how your hand fits in someone elses. and then compare that to other hands that youve held... hmm.

And with that i shall leave you with a chunk of the above mentioned poem....

The Sea of Faith
Was once to at the full and round earth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl'd.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long withdrawing roar,
Retreating to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.

ttfn, Dyraj
you have this ability to either make me really happy, or really sad. Whats up with that?

Saturday, December 06, 2003

hello there. So yay for awesome co workers and ginger ale. I got to go home early last nite to try and get healthy. It worked. I feel much better. Yay for Luke for closing for me last nite. He rocks my world. I shall make him cookies. Or something sweet that is like him. He is too good to me. Anyway, tomorrow is the staff christmas party. It should be great.

I have borrowed linkin Park, meteora from dave. This may or may not be a good thing.

Jeff met my parents yesterday... He told me afterwards that as soon as he walked downstairs he could feel the "power" of Jolene and then my mom off the side being meek. It kinda made me sad. And happy that he met them and still wants to be my friend. lol

On the topic of satan, she said that my friends dont care about me. This made me so sad. I couldnt imagine being alive without you.

Mel came to visit on friday. I didnt even know it was her until i heard her question why i was president. My first thought was, why is it when something goes wrong it is my fault, not my hot CO PRESIDENT's. Then wtf, that was out of my control. When i confronted her about i was seriously upset, but my mood changed when i found out that she was just upset. Which is fine. Shes going through a rough time, and she chose that moment to take it out on me. Isnt it funny how when you think no one is listening you say or do anything, but the moment you find out they can hear you the mood changes and you retract every statement. I really hope she gets everything in order. I hate to see people down.

ttfn, Jaryd

Thursday, December 04, 2003

OK WTF... Seriously, obviously it would be impossible for me to have 2 nites in a row of sleep... no no... grrg... thats right i said grrg...

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

!. News, interesting... i suppose
@. I possess an extreme amount of jealously.
#. The one day that you actually need a good Samaritan, you will find a huge fucking asshole. Its funny cuz this guy had a sign on his door with an X through it of a person in a business suit with a cock for his head. I thought it was funny, so i knocked, only to find a dickhead living there.
$. James called me "miss naughty"... funny, and im apparently his fan...?
%. Lisa put me in her msn name...hehe
^. It makes me happy that by combining words and changing your voice while saying them can make a bunch of people happy.
&. WAAAAAAAAAAAAA (asian style) is the longest one syllable word...hehe
*. witnessing a car accident, as minor as it may be, makes me cry.
(. I am quite pleased with the way our friendship is growing. I am honoured that you consider me a good friend and i hope you know i feel the same way.
). Yay for living in a small world and talking to a person from your elementary hell days..
-. the reason you are not something may not have been in your control and thusly you should not be called those things by people who do not know the history behind that.
=. Its easier to run.
ttfn, Miss. Naughty

Monday, December 01, 2003

Linkin Park - Easier To Run

It's easier to run, replacing this pain with something good
It's so much easier to go than face all this pain here all alone

Something has been taken from deep inside of me
A secret I've got locked away, no one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show, they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head, for years and years they've played...

If I could change, I would, Take back the pain, I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made, I would
If I could stand up and take the blame, I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave, I would
If I could change, I would, Take back the pain, I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made, I would
If I could stand up and take the blame, I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave...

It's easier to run, replacing this pain with something good
It's so much easier to go than face all this pain here all alone

Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past
Bringing back these memories I wish I didn't have
Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back
And never moving forward so there'd never be a path...

If I could change, I would, Take back the pain, I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made, I would
If I could stand up and take the blame, I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave, I would
If I could change, I would, Take back the pain, I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made, I would
If I could stand up and take the blame, I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave...

Just washing it aside, all of our nervousness inside
Pretending I don't feel this place is so much simpler than change...

It's easier to run, replacing this pain with something good
It's so much easier to go than face all this pain here all alone
It's easier to run...
If I could change, I would
Take back the pain, I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made...
It's easier to go...
If I could change, I would
Take back the pain, I would
Retrace every wrong move that I made, I would
If I could stand up and take the blame, I would
If I could take all the shame to the grave...
!. Ignore everyone and just do what you feel is right. But be prepared to accept the consequences of your choices. You know who you are.
@. Im sad about recycling. But it has to be done, for peace of mind...
#. something is slipping... i have to catch it before its too late
$. I really do like having clean mature conversations.
%. Its hard having to be ok for everyone else to be ok
^. Its easier to run away