Thursday, December 11, 2003

I am exhausted. Both emotionally and physically. I was going to blog about something, but i seem to be talking about it already. So never mind. To blog about it at this point and time would seem like the only reason i am blogging about it is because im talking about it. But that was not my intention. Ive been thinking about it more than i should. It was interesting watching the people skating. Thats why i thought about it then...

I have a friend who is willing to grow wings for me and fly me away...

Thank Yous...

Jeff, you make me smile when i am sad. Thank you.
Kelsey, you saved me tonite. I would have been in a lot of shit if it werent for you!
Thank you
Tristan, I love to hate you, and I hate to love you. Thank you.
Anthony, Your hugs fill me with happiness even if its temporary. Thank you.
Ian, one day you will know exactly what I want for christmas or my birthday, and when that day comes you will truly know everything about me. for loving me, Thank you.
Dustin, we are so close no matter how far away we are. Thank you.
Dham, you rock my world with your beauty. Thank you.

there are other thank yous... but i must be leaving... something to do with sleep...

ttfn, Jaryd


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