Wednesday, December 03, 2003

!. News, interesting... i suppose
@. I possess an extreme amount of jealously.
#. The one day that you actually need a good Samaritan, you will find a huge fucking asshole. Its funny cuz this guy had a sign on his door with an X through it of a person in a business suit with a cock for his head. I thought it was funny, so i knocked, only to find a dickhead living there.
$. James called me "miss naughty"... funny, and im apparently his fan...?
%. Lisa put me in her msn name...hehe
^. It makes me happy that by combining words and changing your voice while saying them can make a bunch of people happy.
&. WAAAAAAAAAAAAA (asian style) is the longest one syllable word...hehe
*. witnessing a car accident, as minor as it may be, makes me cry.
(. I am quite pleased with the way our friendship is growing. I am honoured that you consider me a good friend and i hope you know i feel the same way.
). Yay for living in a small world and talking to a person from your elementary hell days..
-. the reason you are not something may not have been in your control and thusly you should not be called those things by people who do not know the history behind that.
=. Its easier to run.
ttfn, Miss. Naughty


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