Sunday, December 14, 2003

Friday, hmm, working was fine, until about 2am when the manager decided that the cook were going to flip the lines (which means i have to clean out numerous containers), then because i was so far behind i was rushing, and i forgot to look down at the floor in the kitchen and well, lets just say all i remember is being face down on the floor and an incredibly loud crashing sound considering i was carrying many metal bins... fun... I have a scrapped arm/chin and I hit my knee going down (yes haha very funny)
saturday was busier... I woke up, retrieved my christmas tree from the back of the truck. I felt bad that i didnt go with them to get it, but i was excited to decorate it. i didnt have time to decorate so i went to work. And to my surprise when i got home at 5am on sunday morning to see that the tree was put up and decorated. It made me sad...

ttfn, Jaryd


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