Sunday, December 28, 2003

Well, good morning everyone. I know, its approximately 9am and you are wondering why the fuck i am up this early after working til the wee hours of the morning. If you are infact asking this question you have obviously forgotten that i live with psychos. Simply stated. I wish to go back to sleep, but my bed seems to be increasingly uncomfortable. Perhaps there is a small pea under the mattress. Well, I suppose i will try to sleep because if i dont i will be cranky towards all who cross my path. This makes me sad cuz this is supposed to be a happy care free day...

While im here i might as well blog about yesterdays happenings. Firstly i must remember that i can be seen by others while driving. Some of you know that umm, well, when a "booty smacking song" comes on ya gotta "booty smack". So there i am cruisin' down 16th ave with some blazin hip hop doing the "booty smack" when i glanced to my right. There was this dirty middle age/old man staring at me. Then he proceeded to wink at me and blow me kisses... in one word, eww. BUT, on my way home i perfected the booty smack... well, sort of. Maybe i sooped it up a bit. hehe... best word ever.

I wish to thank my good friends Ian and Kelsey for coming into my work and dirtying more dishes for me. It was a delight to see you both cuz i hate working fridays. No matter how slow they are. yay. Kels, James thought that you were my sistah. booyaw.

The fuzzy dice are up!! YAY. You dont understand how pimped out the car is now. It makes me quite happy. Except that evil parents have stolen it! boo for you.

Lastly, we had a party of thirty come in last nite. Normally this doesnt bother me cuz big groups like that usually just order pizza and only dirty plates and glasses (which are fairly easy to clean). But no, no no no no. They all ordered Lasagna baked with cheese. BAKED WITH CHEESE. **please refer to previous blogs about how much i hate cheese** You have no idea how mad i was. I actually just grabbed a huge cheese bin thats like 3 feet by 2 and filled it up with piping hot water and enzyme shit. Then i left them in there for an hour. I hate things that are baked with cheese. grrg.

With that i will say ta ta because all this writting has gotten me slightly sleepy...

ttfn, Jaryd


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