Monday, December 22, 2003

Ok, so i had a fucked up day and it all ended in Jolene saving my ass from the wrath of the justice system... Basically i skimmed a WHITE mini van in the parking lot of marlborough mall, didnt think i did any damage, so i left... then i got a phone call from my parents saying that i was in an accident and i had to go to the cop shop... great...
So i get there and theres about 4 inchs of blue paint on this van and about the same in white on my car (which i didnt even notice, even when i looked for it) and we work out an agreement for the damages then this cop starts reading me the riot act about hit and runs. Now i thought that that meant hitting a person... NO, anything that you touch and leave is a hit and run... So anyway, i was too shocked to speak (weird huh) so Jolene talked to him and saved my ass from being charged. Merry fucking Christmas...

onto the better parts of my day... YAY FOR THE GIN BLOSSOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (im not that hard to shop for if you listen to what i say) and thanks for that hug, hugs are really good stress relievers... :)

Next, i dont normally work on mondays so i dont see a lot of the staff, just basically the people who work on fridays and saturdays... so ya, the point that i am attempting to make, here it comes, wait, ok, is that i met a really cute guy at work! one that i have never seen before... hes pretty cool, kinda like a teddy bear, but ya, good times!

umm ya... i believe that is all...

if i dont see you, i shall wish you a happy christmas, and if i do see you... well, whatever, im going now...

ttfn, Jaryd


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