Thursday, December 25, 2003

Happy Ho Ho to all...

well, thanks to kels for giving me an awfully great depressing beautiful hot cd... :)

Umm, ya, i loathe my parental units and i now believe that they are alien bitches. I found them when i was a baby and decided, stupidly, to take them in... pfft...

Umm, lets see, not too much to say, except that i hate the material part of christmas. I would much rather spend all of my nites looking at christmas lights then have my parents tell me my friends ruin christmas (which they do not). grrg.

Umm, hmm, Ian wins, he finally gets it. It only took him a few years to figure it out. Although he still called me today and asked me what i wanted... Christmas eve and he calls me from a music store to see what i want. BUT for the most part he understands what i want for christmas, man i love that kid... blah

umm, ok, i believe that is all... i think... wait... ok, i spent a couple of hours at ems tonite, where i recieved a great book about all the negitive aspects of each astrological sign, good times. Her mother gave me a voodoo doll... little scary... kinda funny, people think they know who i should use it on... they Know nothing. hehe... (except not really) Her father is the scariest mofo. Seriously, to look at him you would think nothing of the sort, but then he speaks... its crazy cuz he is a lil man, but SCARY. boo... (sorry em)

ok, i believe that is all for now... I wish you all a happy ho ho again. and i shall leave you with a direct quote... "if you want wine you will play with the boys" " "
~~~~someones mother... i dont know her name

ttfn, Jiggy...


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