Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Tuesday, December 16, 2003
pisces horoscope

Your Tuesday horoscope, Jaryd!
Worrying will only exacerbate a negative situation. Focus on independent projects and friendships you have neglected. Be assertive about getting what you want, rather than working to always please others.

Apparently I am to change everything about myself, be independant, assertive and put my feelings ahead of everyone elses... HAHAHAHA thats a laugh.

Well, my day that was filled with stuff to do turned into doing nothing and then doing nothing that was on my list of things to do...

So... I couldnt go anywhere until the truck was fixed which didnt happen until about 230, then i went shopping with my mother which always takes too long, then i stole Kelsey away from Ian at about 4. And when i say stole, i mean that Ian had to go to work so i finally got some time with her... hehe jk. But ya, we ended up going shopping... and by that i mean that she sat in my car and slept while i went christmas shopping. Then we went to see a movie. Stuck on you. It was cute and funny. Good times. Umm, then i drove kels to the gps, and stopped in to see a sick baby, then i came home... yes... that was my day.

I feel i need to write about something satan said a few days ago. It wasnt rude, or cruel, so i think i should write about so i (and you) can remember that she is not completely a bitch, pretty much, but not completely. But ya, so i got some mail and it was the scholarship i had won. And she replied to this by telling me how much she admired my commitment to things. And that i remind her that there is good in the world, but that she has been hurt by it a lot. At this point i wanted to stop her sob story and smack her into reality. Instead i responded in a better way, i said that no matter how many times you get hurt, or want to give up, you cant. You have to keep going because eventually there will be someone or something that changes your life for the better. You cannot wallow in self pity forever. I dunno, it kinda made me happy that she can see that i do push through things, but on the other hand, she has no idea how hurt i have been and in many ways, still am. Even in her nicest moments she is selfish. meh...

so ya, christmas shopping, i have no idea what to get boys... grr... last year i had it down and i even improved thier appearances, but this year, pfft, forget about it!!

Jeff, where are you, we must speak... please?

ttfn, Jaryd


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