Monday, December 08, 2003

Last nite... First BP's Staff Christmas party. Good times. Luke smacked my ass and said good game. Because apparently its not sexual harassment if you say good game after... funny one. So awesome and sweet. hmm, it was fun. What can i say? I love the people i work with, they love me. Its good. Brett is super cute.

I had 2 lovely english classes today. We discussed a rather beautiful poem. "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold. It is rather brilliant in that you dont know what you are reading about until the very end, and then you read it again, only to discover that the poem isnt about that at all. Its about something rather different. Intriguing. It made me happy. Anyway, hmm, i spent 3 hours alone, in a coffee shop, with the third installment. I wrote more than i usually do and it was really good. 2 pages about you. the beginning and the end. and how happy i am. hmmm. I didnt even think i needed to write about you. I fully intended to write about something else, but oh well. Needs must when the devil drives, whatever the hell that means. aww... its over, i must stop quoting it. On another note. Is it odd to notice how your hand fits in someone elses. and then compare that to other hands that youve held... hmm.

And with that i shall leave you with a chunk of the above mentioned poem....

The Sea of Faith
Was once to at the full and round earth's shore
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl'd.
But now I only hear
Its melancholy, long withdrawing roar,
Retreating to the breath
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear
And naked shingles of the world.

ttfn, Dyraj


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