Saturday, December 06, 2003

hello there. So yay for awesome co workers and ginger ale. I got to go home early last nite to try and get healthy. It worked. I feel much better. Yay for Luke for closing for me last nite. He rocks my world. I shall make him cookies. Or something sweet that is like him. He is too good to me. Anyway, tomorrow is the staff christmas party. It should be great.

I have borrowed linkin Park, meteora from dave. This may or may not be a good thing.

Jeff met my parents yesterday... He told me afterwards that as soon as he walked downstairs he could feel the "power" of Jolene and then my mom off the side being meek. It kinda made me sad. And happy that he met them and still wants to be my friend. lol

On the topic of satan, she said that my friends dont care about me. This made me so sad. I couldnt imagine being alive without you.

Mel came to visit on friday. I didnt even know it was her until i heard her question why i was president. My first thought was, why is it when something goes wrong it is my fault, not my hot CO PRESIDENT's. Then wtf, that was out of my control. When i confronted her about i was seriously upset, but my mood changed when i found out that she was just upset. Which is fine. Shes going through a rough time, and she chose that moment to take it out on me. Isnt it funny how when you think no one is listening you say or do anything, but the moment you find out they can hear you the mood changes and you retract every statement. I really hope she gets everything in order. I hate to see people down.

ttfn, Jaryd


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