Monday, December 15, 2003

well, tears and tears later...

Leave it to one person to make me cry. It seems like he is the only one who knows just what to say to make me so happy that i cry. He inadvertantly picks the times in which to do so, but the best of him always shines through for me when i am down. It makes me wonder why i sometimes waste time on people who dont actually care about me and take me on emotional rollercoasters. I love him so much and i dont know what im going to do without him... all i can think about is 3 doors down, Here without you... That is how i will feel next year without him in my life. I will do all i can in my power to keep him as close as possible, for he, above everyone else in my whole entire life, has been the only person to stick by me, no matter what. He protects me from everything he can, and loves me for who i am, this is a real example of true friendship. We have the ability to fight and grow apart, but we always return to where we belong, in the safety of each others arms. Damn it why the hell do i have to leave. I want so badly to stay and to always be in his presence. Why does it have to be better there... why cant there be a fucking awesome theatre program here. to go or stay, to let the best person in my life slip away, i hate this... I love him so much, but i cant stay. Who would have thought that through the years we would be such good friends... i sure didnt. But im glad and thankful for the time we've had and i will cherish my remaining months with him. The last ones in which i will see him on a semi-daily basis as opposed to monthly... Well, there is nothing but love, and there will always be...

To my poet,

love ya forever..

Your sistah,



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