Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Heyo Party People...

Well the parentals are out of town! YAY! So happy. Ive had lotsa fun the past couple of days and i hope tomorrow has many good times in store for me. AND GUESS WHO HAS A BACKSTAGE PASS! Ya thats right me. To the Canada Day performances. Its gonna be good!

I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 tonite. It was really good. I laughed, I cried, George Bush is a fool. That being said i recommend that you all go see it. Now. And do not, I repeat, DO NOT, download it off the internet. Its a freeking documentary! Its really really good though.

I think thats all for now. Im going to Princes Island for the day tomorrow. Im gonna wear my new red shirt and im bringing the tanning oil... Oh ya! I hope to see some of you there! If not, have a great Canada Day!

ttfn, Jaryd

PS "Wars are not meant to be won they are meant to be continuous." Michael Moore

Monday, June 28, 2004

i'm not the kind of person that can get through tomorrow just by looking forward to next week, you know?

````````````````````Stefan... i dont know what.

i thought it was a cool quote.

Today was the last day i will grace the halls of Crescent Heights as a student. And that is ok!

I voted today, that was good times. I am now officially a contributing citizen which gives me the right to bitch about the government! YAY! I think that i am the only one of my friends that made an informed decision about it. It kinda makes me sad. But at least they voted.

ttfn, Jaryd

Sunday, June 27, 2004

HEY LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you?

Thats good. Im super, thanks for asking!

Im feeling good... I FEEL GOOD! DA NA NA NA NA NA NA

ok, enough of the songs... tee hee.

Weekend recap!!!(it also includes thursday late)

Thursday: All that can be said about thursday is that i retract a statement i made earlier, which was "I built it up so much that it wasnt what i thought it would be..." Ya thats retracted. It was better than i thought it would be. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday: I dont care about bio... moving on
did i go for a slurpee? I think i did. did i? Sources are confirming.... Confirmed. I went for a slurpee on friday (sorry, it was awhile ago, and it was great, as always) Then I went out of town, to camp, and it rained. And it thundered and it lighteninged (is that a word? it is now. tee hee) Umm, it was pretty fun, met some how gay men out there... I took a clowning workshop, had a campfire (mosquitos...evil bastards) then stayed up til 2 am playing Rummy with Chris.

Saturday: Whilst sleeping got kicked in the face by Chris, then kicked him back. woke up, had breakfast which consisted of 3 coffees and a banana. then went back to the teepee to sleep. and by that i mean i played more rummy. then we went on a hike to a sundance circle, which is freeking amazing. STORY TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Once upon a time there were the native people. And every winter they split up into small groups so it would be easier to survive the harsh winter. When Spring came around all of the native people of the tribe gathered at a common place to celebrate the arrival of spring and regrouped, into uh, the big group, right. During this ceremony that lasted about 6-7 days, they would build a fort of sorts. They built it out of trees from the area and used all natural things from the spot they had picked. In the end, there is this huge fort thing with a big pole sticking straight up the middle and on it they tie coloured peices of fabric. Then when they are done, then leave it, and then it slowly dicintigrates (Tristan, im sorry if i spelt it wrong, nm im thinking incinerates) back into nature, where they took everything from. Its really rather amazing. Its very sacred and you are not supposed to touch it. When i first went to camp, which would have been 11 years ago (sigh) It was remarkably beautiful, now, its still beautiful but in a different kind of way. (side note, i almost killed Gerald when he rested his foot on it. Fuck, he makes me so mad. end side note)

After that, we went back to camp, ate lunch, which was burritos, (at this point i was extremely happy that i didnt have to sleep that nite in the teepee with 4 teenage boys and one adult male) After lunch, we made a craft, i rather enjoyed it... you can see it later. then i got into my car, and drove home... On the way home, i got this huge mother of a headache... But i slowly got ready for the partay... fast forward to the part where i look hot. lol, ok, so im at the party now. It was awesome! My first adult party where i was the youngest person there... I made some connections had some really great conversations and in the end it was good... Then i went to visit with Chels, Mike and Jeff and a bunch of guys. It was fun. i just hung out for like half an hour, and then i went home...

SUNDAY! I got woken up at 1230... to wash the car... with the pressure washer. Fine. Then i got ready to go to THE FOOTBALL GAME! there was this one really freaking awesome hit, the rest was boring, for the most part. The part that WAS NOT boring was the ride home... I was on 16th ave at 10th st NW when i looked in my rear view mirror and saw this REALLY REALLY hot guy wave. I wasnt sure if he waved at me, so i said to MY MOTHER umm, i think that guy just waved at me. Then thought nothing of it. (and by that i mean, the light turned red and they had to stop and then some bimbo went behind me in the lane so i couldnt see them anymore) BUT THEN! Mom and i decided to go to Peters Drive In and I ditched off of 16th onto fourth to get there faster cuz traffic sucked. And guess who turned as well... The hotties! I know, so at this point im like, uh mom, I think theyre following me. (may i just mention that by the end of this story, my mom has tripled her coolness factor) So whatever, i get to center street and i my moms like, uh oh, theyre pulling up... And they pulled up beside me, now one would think this a horrifying situation with ones mother there but she was totally cool about it. So he rolls down his window... i rolled down my mothers, we talked for a few sentences. Then his friend, who goes to crescent, Named Jared, says hey wanna race, i say i dont race. Then uh, i started coasting into the intersection at the appropriate time and Hottie in the passenger seats yells, "THAT A GIRL!" and i kick their asses with the Lincoln and give them a lil wave. Then i turned off to go get a milkshake, and hottie waved... *sigh* It was totally innocent and super awesome, and the whole time my momma just smiled. I love my momma. And she also promised not to tell Jolene that i raced the Lincoln. I love my Momma. And i looked hot today. Which made it even better. Its fun flirting with hotties.

Thats the end of my weekend... I think it was fairly awesome. Comparatively speaking... im going to sigh one more time... *sigh*

Now im going to invite you all to a party. At my house on Canada Day evening. Also, im going to Princes Island Park for the majority of the day. Anyone who wishes to join me/party with me give me a call at 803 5389!!!!!!

ttfn, Jiggy (super Jiggy) :P

Thursday, June 24, 2004


there are no other words for it. besides the ones that include, I went to Cirque Du Soleil, Quidam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried. It was so good. the last part of my nite was not as good. I mean it wasnt horrible, but i dunno... I had to tell someone no. Which felt REALLY REALLY good cuz i uh, dont normally say no. But it would have been completely stupid for me to say anything else. But it was weird, at Cirque i had this feeling i would have to say no, many times, to a boy... And then later that nite i did. I beleive the last thing i said was. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR... ya. thats right, thats what i said. Stupid male.

Anyway, today was a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cleaned this morning, then i went out job hunting and along the way i went shopping... I know, I know. I bought a really really really awesome CD... It Social Code, a year at the movies... Its totally awesome, and its my first non mainstream yet cd!!!! Waahoo! i also bought clothes... well, pants, tomorrow if i get my check, then ill buy the rest... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Thats pretty much it... Im fairly happy:D and im also uh... on my 4th beer the nite before my only diploma this semster... lol... meh...

peace homies!

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I will be mildly upset if your prediction is true... Then i would get over it. But it would still be difficult not to feel a little bit, disappointed...
Busy busy busy...

Today was, uh, busy?

First I went to volunteer at the MS Society... They mail to go out and no one to aid them in that massive task. It felt good to help them again. I felt bad about not doing the Super Cities Walk, but i totally made up for it today. Besides the bitchy ladies that think they know everything about that place (to this i just snicker because ive been volunteering there for over 10 years) it was enjoyable... The part was that was rather unenjoyable was the stories they tell about MS. The struggle. I will never be ok with it. I will never be ready for the day that is ever so close. I keep closing my eyes to the idea that it will happen to her. I dont want to see it. I want her to be ok forever. Then of course they ask me, Do you have MS? (a completely ligitiment question because sometimes you cant even tell) To which i respond with no, My Momma does. I dont want to talk about it anymore.

Second, My Momma picked me, and i gave her a big hug... I almost cried but she was confused and i didnt feel like crying today. So we went to pick up a hub cap for the Lincoln... If you like Shiny things, do not, i repeat DO NOT go into a hub cap store.. Oh my goodness. After that, Mommma dropped me off at Chinook, where i was going to watch a mooovie, but that didnt turn out. Instead Helena and a couple other people hit the mall for a while and just hung out. It was pleasant. I should spend more time with her. Shes one of those people who is just barely outside the situation, all the time. Its good.

Third, I think i will always have a crush on Francisco... Helenas brother, but i had a crush on him long before i was friends with her. So somehow it is justified. She seems to think she is going to "set us up" but i would prefer to just fawn over him from afar. At about 430 Helena drove me to DT and I met up with a very cute, but rather ill form of my good friend Jeff.

Fourth, Whislt hanging out with Jeff and checking out boys, we looked through last years yearbook (there is the funniest pic of me in there, omgosh) and had some din din... I had sushi, for the second time today, yum yum. Then we went to a mooooovie! Sherk 2, SO FUNNY! After that, i walked him to the train station, gave away some money and then when to my train station... Now, as i was walking to the other side of the platform i noticed a person recieving some change from another, and i remembered that there was some change at the bottom of my purse. So i pulled most of it out, walked up the stairs, smiled at the man, and held out the change. He seemed caught off guard and said to me, "wow, i didnt even have to ask..." (why should they have to?) He had an accent and was rather charming so i ended up talking to him for a little bit. He was on his way to Vancouver, from Montreal (which gave us something else to talk about). It was enjoyable. He was quite attractive too, brown hair and blue eyes. I hope he finds his way. He seemed to be running from something. Then I met another homeless man. He was one of the "scary ones", the kind Tristan blogs/LJ's about, but im not normally afraid of them. I had a smoke with him and had a brief chat, i could have left, but i figured he would like for someone to just sit with. Then i got on the train, sat in a wet spot that i did not create, moved, then walked home... I loathe public transit, but in the mood i was in it was good.

Thats pretty much it. Besides the conversation i had with Jeff that I will attract the gay men, make sure theyre gay, then hand them over... And you know whats funny, i just accidentally met another gay male. he claimed to be a nome... So i was intrigued... what can i say? I love em all...

ttfn, Jaryd

Sunday, June 20, 2004

How to make a Jiggy

5 parts pride

3 parts humour

5 parts energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little wisdom if desired!


Personality cocktail

How to make a Jaryd

5 parts success

5 parts brilliance

3 parts instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add curiosity to taste! Do not overindulge!

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

Jaryd is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.




Jarebear is a restricted area. Authorised personel only


China sent me this at the end of a forwarded msg... I thought it was clever...

There are times when you have to obey a call which is the highest of all, that may cost many a bitter tear, and even more, separation from friends, from family, from the state to which you may belong, from all that you have held as dear as life itself. For this obedience is the law of our being.

ttfn, Jaryd

PS, I cannot change the past, i can only live through the present.
The year is over and I have realized that i am still corrupting them... Now i will be the person who is outside their situation.


ttfn, Jiggy
Well. It is over...

The life i have known all too well for the past 13 years of my being is over. Friday was extremely disheartening. I cried a lot. I did get to have some really awesome conversations with people though. It was nice, I made many promises to return frequently next year. And i will.

These last 3 years have been wonderful. I have never seen so many beautiful people in one place. Every year some of them leave, but then more young ones come in the next september. It is a never ending cycle, and its good to know that I was a part of it. The experiances that i have had i will remember for a very long time. the people I have met will continue to influence me everywhere I go. And the love that was shared will continue to be shared forever.

Ickies was a huge deal. I have been planning it for 9 months. I never thought i would be that difficult though. Following through and not running away, was one of the hardest things I have ever done. My instinct seems to be, QUICKLY JARYD! RUN AWAY! But i tried my hardest not to. I didnt want to run away from my home and my family. The people were the hardest to stay close to. Im rather proud of myself because when something is about to end, I tend to distance myself from as much of it as i can. Ultimately i loose valuable last moments by doing this. I think i did a fairly good job of not doing this. Comparatively speaking of course.

I have been let go, but it is not goodbye. And it occured to me this morning/when i got out of bed/off the couch, that i get to give the overgrad speech for Mr. Jobbs Last Ickies. that made me happy. I must remember Grant Reddick for next year. He shall play a pivotal role in next years Ickies.

At any rate, thank you for everything you guys have given in the short time Ive known you and will continue to know you. ;)

Have fun with Splendor in Grass, and hey boy actors, it looks like youre in short supply.

Former Drama Society President,


Wednesday, June 16, 2004

An-ge-li-na says:
Yes. Go ahead... *sigh* I'll admit defeat... only this once.

That is all. Except that it hath been declared that I, Jaryd Winslow, am the Theatre Goddess...

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Im having a crazy day... this morning i went to school early to work on Ickies. Then i didnt go to art to work on ickies. I have never wanted to cry the whole way home before. Today i did. Gah, everything is totally getting to me and soon everything that Graham and I have worked so hard is will be done. Like it never existed. Today was also the last day of my high school life and all i can think of is how much i will miss the people. I know that Im not going to stay in contact with a lot of them. Not that i dont want to, i just know that it happens. And im sorry.

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, June 14, 2004

I never thought that this would be so much work. Being the boss, and such. Doing all of this. Ive been working on Ickies stuff ever since i got home at about 5, minus dinner time which i allowed myself. I also spent a couple hours at school with Mr. Jobb stuff. I have personally made 6 of the 10 ickies, because many of my fellow grade 12's have not expressed much of an interest. I typed up the whole first act, then remembered that it was changed, so i had to change all the speechs. I typed up the Grade 10 Ickies script and i finally wrote the freaking grade 11 one. All i have to do is finish the other ickies and make a costume for Fluffy... I am glad that i am so activiely involved though. and I was so happy that i got to cross a bunch of things off of my list. Man am i glad i mad that list. Ickies is 3 days away, and i sorta feel prepared. It just occured to me that i am not as finished as i thought i was. It seems as though every time we're almost done, then something else has to be done. Its never ending. I want it to end. Im tired, and extremely stressed out. Today for example, while driving i went into one of those laughing crying fits... I hate those. They make me feel stupid. And when I get stressed out, i cant remember simple things. Like where did i put my keys? Thats funny, apparently i handed them to Emily AND I DONT REMEMBER DOING THAT. I think i only had 3 cigarettes today. I dunno though. I feel like im all messed up and that im barely holding myself together. I have to be strong because other people are showing that they arent. The Mama has to stay strong for the kidlets. Just a few more days of lying to all who ask how i am. How do you think i am?

ttfn, Jaryd

PS... Apparently i have no concept of time. It feels like 5 minutes, but its been an hour...

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Ok this is getting ridiculous!

How could 2 people who just want to have a normal chatting conversation NOT HAVE ONE. GAH. As soon as i set my status to busy, Cory comes online, and starts talking to me. I am going to freek out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then of course he realizes that Im not at the computer and is disappointed cuz we keep trying to talk online, and it never works. I think im going to cry. I just want to talk to him. ya know, have a semi conversation. That hasnt happened since he left, almost a year ago and now, now every time im "busy" he comes online and leaves just before i get back! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Sorry. Im rather frustrated and why? Thats all i want to know. Why WHY. ya, thats what i thought.

Extremely Frustrated.


PS: Last nite i came to the realization that that, is the last time, we will all be together. Thats it.
Hello there...

So last nite was grad. It was fun, although i wish that we stayed longer... I mean, the dance was the best part, we made it through speechs and Dinner, and didnt stay for most of the dance, whats that? Anyway, I had fun. I accidentally threw a sugar packet behind me during the speeches, and Kels knocked over 3 glasses, 2 of which were full, and went all over Ian. tee hee. The Limo was totally awesome. Besides the difficulty of sitting/getting in and out in a long dress and stiletto heels. We consumed a lil bit o bubbly on Scotchmans hill, then proceded to the convention center... That was basically all the girls complementing the other girls on how pretty their dresses were, then the other girl responding with, thank you, yours is pretty too. By the end of the nite, i kinda wanted to say, NO SHIT WE ALL LOOK PRETTY, THATS THE POINT! At any rate, there was much prettiness all around, even the guys cleaned That was pretty much it, besides that we had the best Limo Driver on the way home, her name was Angelica and she was so freeking funny! We stopped on Crescent Hill and had some more bubbly, and this was the best part, cuz i didnt have my shoes on, and it was raining... Yay for the rain and the hug in the rain! Then we went to Peters Drive in, and went back to Dustins. That was pretty much it, when we got back i had a lot of fun helping Tristan with his Resume (thank you by the way). I am serious though, it was fun. The party after was pretty bunk, but i just wanted to hang out anyway.

So ya, that was my grad. At least I can say that i was surrounded with people I wanted to be with, i got to get my hair and nails done, and im so glad i get to do it again on Friday. Except Friday will be different, because i plan on consuming a glass or 2 of bubbly and just hanging out for my very last high school party, ever. Well, i mean while im in high school. Also, I am now officially freeking out, the year is almost gone... And a new one shall beging, without some people. Whether I like it or not, that is a reality I am not enjoying...

2 more half days left...

ttfn, Jaryd

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


I had a fairly uneventful day. I got some strong pit boys to move my couches to the pit... (When they see the couches theyll remember me.) But ya, Im feeling rather drained. Of everything. The word is blah. Im feeling rather blah. Im all disoriented and everything seems jumbled, even though its clear. My mind is everywhere at once. But when i do focus on something, it seems to work. Perhaps my mind is mad at me and thats the reason for all of the weirdness. Im rather exhausted for doing nothing all day, so i think im gonna go to bed and cease what Im doing now.

Have a good nite.


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Guys... I am into an I DONT GIVE A FUCK STAGE. I mean i obviously care enough to get upset, but i mean Jesus, what else would you like to tell me at this point and time...

I shall make a list an organize my thoughts...

Things Jaryd is Stressed out/thinking about...

1. Grad... everything is done, except: my nails, and purse
2. Ickies: Grade 11 script, make ickies/buy them, write speechs, make fluffy's costume, etc etc etc...
3. Kelsey, i am so fucking lost with this one. I dont know, i just dont want my grad to be ruined. i will attempt to remain civil, but i am not going to sit around and have her demean me in anyway. Its not going to happen, other people may not say anything when she does it, but i will. This makes me so angry.
4. Biology
5. Im starting to uh, disappear, and im starting to not care about certain things and people. This happens quite often when something ends or someone leaves. So, I have promised myself to try my hardest to keep hanging out with those i love, and to not start protecting myself until the 19th of June. That way, i can mourn over those that i will not see as much, and smile because i no longer have to see anyone i dont want to see.
6. PDA class... must finish Journal/portfolio...
9. Renee is "getting married" to a criminal that shes known for a week, has never met, and is in love with. WTF...
10. one of my old friends is pregnant and misses me
11. Chelsie has no one to talk to
ok... i feel a little better now... not a lot, but ya know how it is.

ttfn, Jaryd

PS. Perhaps its jealousy? I mean, now that i think about it, im at the top of the 2 lists that she wants. hmm... that would explain her resentfulness towards me. Perhaps.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Dear Blog.

Thou art over 12 months old
you kept me warm in the cold.
i enjoy writing in you dearly
you are more than a journal merely.

Happy Birthday.

lol, that was kinda fun...

ttfn, Jaryd
Ok. Here are the rules. You may no longer sit on my car. You may no longer come close to my car with any object that isnt soft. You may not touch my car if you have long finger nails. You may not enter my car if you have to play with the buttons for the windows/locks/seat adjustments/radio/mirrors/etc. The moral is, if you fuck with my car, and its prettiness, i will hurt you. By which i mean, cry because i will be in soo much trouble. Ok? Please. And i will try my hardest not to hit inanimate objects.

blah... Kinda tired, kinda sad, kinda happy, kinda upset, kinda just want to ignore everything...

ttfn, Jaryd

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Hey guys I have an awesome story...

So i was going through my moms old jewlery (which has been passed down for many a generation) looking for my Grandmothers Pearls. (which i found). And so, when i look through this huge case i have to look through everything and say, oh my, thats beautiful, many many times. So here i am looking through various rings/bracelets/every other kind of jewlery when all of the sudden i come accrossed this broach, which ive seen before. Except this time i noticed on the outside of the box it said, "To Susie" (my moms name is Suzanne and for some reason they call her that, they being her family, which ive met less than once). So im looking at this broach, and its not all that interesting, but its of the Queen on her 18th birthday. Shes kinda pretty and mom and i are talking about how old it is. She says she doesnt know, so i pop it out of its little fitted bed, and it says it was made in England in 1953. (my mom wasnt born until, never mind)Anyway, my mom wasnt around when it was purchased so it must have been a gift. So then, mom is still trying to figure out how she got that broach... blah blah blah. Onto the coolest thing lately... For some reason I had this urge to look behind the little fitted bed of the broach. I do not know why. But i tried to take it out, and it didnt work. Then i noticed that there was a lil peice of fabric on the egde so you could pull it out and it was double cased. I thought that was weird. And i know, that in some of my jewlery cases like that i put things behind there that i want to keep hidden/safe. So i open it up. And i was like, AH HA! I WAS RIGHT THERE WAS SOMETHING THERE! Which was super cool, cuz it made me feel all detective like. And then my mom was like, "what the hell is that, i have never seen that before!" and she was all confused. Which made me even happier, cuz she had never taken it out. So i found a little bittie treasure in a gift that my mom had recieved many decades ago. Anyway, betcha wanna know what i found... Na, i didnt think so.

Just Kidding!

So, apparently whoever gave my mom this gift, snuck in 5 stamps in the back. And not just normal everyday stamps, oh no. Much much more than that. They were from Morroco/printed in Morroco. On APRIL 19, 1956. And there was a woman and a man on the front. And that was it. So we were trying to figure out, a) if her parents went there on a honeymoon, cuz apparently they got married on April 19. So then my mom doesnt think they went there at all, cuz she would remember. and b) who the hell gave her tha stamps and what the significance to her is.


It turns out the lady on the front was a famous movie star back then and fell in love with the King of Morroco. And they got married On April 19, 1956. Well at first my mom couldnt remember the actresses name. And then all of the sudden she blurts out, GRACE KELLY. I flipped out. I knew she looked familiar, but i didnt recognize her on a freaking stamp! I think shes beautiful... So anyway. For over 5 decades, my mom/someone who gave it to her, has had these in her possesion. 5 MINT CONDITION stamps of Grace Kelly and her Husband... Seriously. I have never been so excited about stamps! I think that that is one of my coolest stories... ANd the significance to my mom would have to be that A) The Queen is a powerful political figure. And B) Grace Kelly is one of the most beautiful people ever. So whoever gave her this gift, wanted her to be both Beautiful and powerful..


ttfn, Jaryd
Do you think this is like me?

The Sun: Your essence. Your self.

Character is destiny. By improving your personality you create good conditions for your future.

Sun in Pisces:

Jaryd, you were born under the sign of Pisces and your ruling planets are Neptune and Jupiter, which empower you with great kindness, sensitivity and mysticism. You are a gentle, romantic, idealistic and helpful person. Your great sensitivity leads you to feel compassion for needy people and you are always willing to help and sacrifice for your loved ones. Your aspirations in life point more towards self-realization in the emotional field than in the material one. You are very intuitive and perceive everything that occurs around you. You will be very sought after by your friends or family for the moral support you offer, causing you tension because you will delve deeply into their problems. You are kind and very loving; you are also a dreamer. You express affection easily, becoming emotional when confronted with nature, animals, art and, especially, music. You have great artistic abilities through which you can channel your inspiration. You are very idealistic and rarely see people just as they are, which will cause you to be easily deceived.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Ok, so i feel better. I just spent the last 3 hours planning out Ickies. Its not all done, but I got a good chunk over with. Phew!!

So how was your day? Mine was pretty crappy. And pretty happy.

The Preceptor at the Foothills said that she really liked what i was doing with the case. And i said impotency in the room and the pre med blushed. Im such a shit disturber.

ttfn, Jaryd