Sunday, June 13, 2004

Hello there...

So last nite was grad. It was fun, although i wish that we stayed longer... I mean, the dance was the best part, we made it through speechs and Dinner, and didnt stay for most of the dance, whats that? Anyway, I had fun. I accidentally threw a sugar packet behind me during the speeches, and Kels knocked over 3 glasses, 2 of which were full, and went all over Ian. tee hee. The Limo was totally awesome. Besides the difficulty of sitting/getting in and out in a long dress and stiletto heels. We consumed a lil bit o bubbly on Scotchmans hill, then proceded to the convention center... That was basically all the girls complementing the other girls on how pretty their dresses were, then the other girl responding with, thank you, yours is pretty too. By the end of the nite, i kinda wanted to say, NO SHIT WE ALL LOOK PRETTY, THATS THE POINT! At any rate, there was much prettiness all around, even the guys cleaned That was pretty much it, besides that we had the best Limo Driver on the way home, her name was Angelica and she was so freeking funny! We stopped on Crescent Hill and had some more bubbly, and this was the best part, cuz i didnt have my shoes on, and it was raining... Yay for the rain and the hug in the rain! Then we went to Peters Drive in, and went back to Dustins. That was pretty much it, when we got back i had a lot of fun helping Tristan with his Resume (thank you by the way). I am serious though, it was fun. The party after was pretty bunk, but i just wanted to hang out anyway.

So ya, that was my grad. At least I can say that i was surrounded with people I wanted to be with, i got to get my hair and nails done, and im so glad i get to do it again on Friday. Except Friday will be different, because i plan on consuming a glass or 2 of bubbly and just hanging out for my very last high school party, ever. Well, i mean while im in high school. Also, I am now officially freeking out, the year is almost gone... And a new one shall beging, without some people. Whether I like it or not, that is a reality I am not enjoying...

2 more half days left...

ttfn, Jaryd


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