Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Busy busy busy...

Today was, uh, busy?

First I went to volunteer at the MS Society... They mail to go out and no one to aid them in that massive task. It felt good to help them again. I felt bad about not doing the Super Cities Walk, but i totally made up for it today. Besides the bitchy ladies that think they know everything about that place (to this i just snicker because ive been volunteering there for over 10 years) it was enjoyable... The part was that was rather unenjoyable was the stories they tell about MS. The struggle. I will never be ok with it. I will never be ready for the day that is ever so close. I keep closing my eyes to the idea that it will happen to her. I dont want to see it. I want her to be ok forever. Then of course they ask me, Do you have MS? (a completely ligitiment question because sometimes you cant even tell) To which i respond with no, My Momma does. I dont want to talk about it anymore.

Second, My Momma picked me, and i gave her a big hug... I almost cried but she was confused and i didnt feel like crying today. So we went to pick up a hub cap for the Lincoln... If you like Shiny things, do not, i repeat DO NOT go into a hub cap store.. Oh my goodness. After that, Mommma dropped me off at Chinook, where i was going to watch a mooovie, but that didnt turn out. Instead Helena and a couple other people hit the mall for a while and just hung out. It was pleasant. I should spend more time with her. Shes one of those people who is just barely outside the situation, all the time. Its good.

Third, I think i will always have a crush on Francisco... Helenas brother, but i had a crush on him long before i was friends with her. So somehow it is justified. She seems to think she is going to "set us up" but i would prefer to just fawn over him from afar. At about 430 Helena drove me to DT and I met up with a very cute, but rather ill form of my good friend Jeff.

Fourth, Whislt hanging out with Jeff and checking out boys, we looked through last years yearbook (there is the funniest pic of me in there, omgosh) and had some din din... I had sushi, for the second time today, yum yum. Then we went to a mooooovie! Sherk 2, SO FUNNY! After that, i walked him to the train station, gave away some money and then when to my train station... Now, as i was walking to the other side of the platform i noticed a person recieving some change from another, and i remembered that there was some change at the bottom of my purse. So i pulled most of it out, walked up the stairs, smiled at the man, and held out the change. He seemed caught off guard and said to me, "wow, i didnt even have to ask..." (why should they have to?) He had an accent and was rather charming so i ended up talking to him for a little bit. He was on his way to Vancouver, from Montreal (which gave us something else to talk about). It was enjoyable. He was quite attractive too, brown hair and blue eyes. I hope he finds his way. He seemed to be running from something. Then I met another homeless man. He was one of the "scary ones", the kind Tristan blogs/LJ's about, but im not normally afraid of them. I had a smoke with him and had a brief chat, i could have left, but i figured he would like for someone to just sit with. Then i got on the train, sat in a wet spot that i did not create, moved, then walked home... I loathe public transit, but in the mood i was in it was good.

Thats pretty much it. Besides the conversation i had with Jeff that I will attract the gay men, make sure theyre gay, then hand them over... And you know whats funny, i just accidentally met another gay male. he claimed to be a nome... So i was intrigued... what can i say? I love em all...

ttfn, Jaryd


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