Monday, June 28, 2004

i'm not the kind of person that can get through tomorrow just by looking forward to next week, you know?

````````````````````Stefan... i dont know what.

i thought it was a cool quote.

Today was the last day i will grace the halls of Crescent Heights as a student. And that is ok!

I voted today, that was good times. I am now officially a contributing citizen which gives me the right to bitch about the government! YAY! I think that i am the only one of my friends that made an informed decision about it. It kinda makes me sad. But at least they voted.

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I totally made an informed decision about it.
I've been following the election rather closely.

AND YAY! for US!!! And our contributing so that we can bitch. Woot.


12:04 a.m., June 29, 2004  

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