Monday, June 14, 2004

I never thought that this would be so much work. Being the boss, and such. Doing all of this. Ive been working on Ickies stuff ever since i got home at about 5, minus dinner time which i allowed myself. I also spent a couple hours at school with Mr. Jobb stuff. I have personally made 6 of the 10 ickies, because many of my fellow grade 12's have not expressed much of an interest. I typed up the whole first act, then remembered that it was changed, so i had to change all the speechs. I typed up the Grade 10 Ickies script and i finally wrote the freaking grade 11 one. All i have to do is finish the other ickies and make a costume for Fluffy... I am glad that i am so activiely involved though. and I was so happy that i got to cross a bunch of things off of my list. Man am i glad i mad that list. Ickies is 3 days away, and i sorta feel prepared. It just occured to me that i am not as finished as i thought i was. It seems as though every time we're almost done, then something else has to be done. Its never ending. I want it to end. Im tired, and extremely stressed out. Today for example, while driving i went into one of those laughing crying fits... I hate those. They make me feel stupid. And when I get stressed out, i cant remember simple things. Like where did i put my keys? Thats funny, apparently i handed them to Emily AND I DONT REMEMBER DOING THAT. I think i only had 3 cigarettes today. I dunno though. I feel like im all messed up and that im barely holding myself together. I have to be strong because other people are showing that they arent. The Mama has to stay strong for the kidlets. Just a few more days of lying to all who ask how i am. How do you think i am?

ttfn, Jaryd

PS... Apparently i have no concept of time. It feels like 5 minutes, but its been an hour...


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