Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Hey guys I have an awesome story...

So i was going through my moms old jewlery (which has been passed down for many a generation) looking for my Grandmothers Pearls. (which i found). And so, when i look through this huge case i have to look through everything and say, oh my, thats beautiful, many many times. So here i am looking through various rings/bracelets/every other kind of jewlery when all of the sudden i come accrossed this broach, which ive seen before. Except this time i noticed on the outside of the box it said, "To Susie" (my moms name is Suzanne and for some reason they call her that, they being her family, which ive met less than once). So im looking at this broach, and its not all that interesting, but its of the Queen on her 18th birthday. Shes kinda pretty and mom and i are talking about how old it is. She says she doesnt know, so i pop it out of its little fitted bed, and it says it was made in England in 1953. (my mom wasnt born until, never mind)Anyway, my mom wasnt around when it was purchased so it must have been a gift. So then, mom is still trying to figure out how she got that broach... blah blah blah. Onto the coolest thing lately... For some reason I had this urge to look behind the little fitted bed of the broach. I do not know why. But i tried to take it out, and it didnt work. Then i noticed that there was a lil peice of fabric on the egde so you could pull it out and it was double cased. I thought that was weird. And i know, that in some of my jewlery cases like that i put things behind there that i want to keep hidden/safe. So i open it up. And i was like, AH HA! I WAS RIGHT THERE WAS SOMETHING THERE! Which was super cool, cuz it made me feel all detective like. And then my mom was like, "what the hell is that, i have never seen that before!" and she was all confused. Which made me even happier, cuz she had never taken it out. So i found a little bittie treasure in a gift that my mom had recieved many decades ago. Anyway, betcha wanna know what i found... Na, i didnt think so.

Just Kidding!

So, apparently whoever gave my mom this gift, snuck in 5 stamps in the back. And not just normal everyday stamps, oh no. Much much more than that. They were from Morroco/printed in Morroco. On APRIL 19, 1956. And there was a woman and a man on the front. And that was it. So we were trying to figure out, a) if her parents went there on a honeymoon, cuz apparently they got married on April 19. So then my mom doesnt think they went there at all, cuz she would remember. and b) who the hell gave her tha stamps and what the significance to her is.


It turns out the lady on the front was a famous movie star back then and fell in love with the King of Morroco. And they got married On April 19, 1956. Well at first my mom couldnt remember the actresses name. And then all of the sudden she blurts out, GRACE KELLY. I flipped out. I knew she looked familiar, but i didnt recognize her on a freaking stamp! I think shes beautiful... So anyway. For over 5 decades, my mom/someone who gave it to her, has had these in her possesion. 5 MINT CONDITION stamps of Grace Kelly and her Husband... Seriously. I have never been so excited about stamps! I think that that is one of my coolest stories... ANd the significance to my mom would have to be that A) The Queen is a powerful political figure. And B) Grace Kelly is one of the most beautiful people ever. So whoever gave her this gift, wanted her to be both Beautiful and powerful..


ttfn, Jaryd


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