Sunday, June 27, 2004

HEY LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you?

Thats good. Im super, thanks for asking!

Im feeling good... I FEEL GOOD! DA NA NA NA NA NA NA

ok, enough of the songs... tee hee.

Weekend recap!!!(it also includes thursday late)

Thursday: All that can be said about thursday is that i retract a statement i made earlier, which was "I built it up so much that it wasnt what i thought it would be..." Ya thats retracted. It was better than i thought it would be. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday: I dont care about bio... moving on
did i go for a slurpee? I think i did. did i? Sources are confirming.... Confirmed. I went for a slurpee on friday (sorry, it was awhile ago, and it was great, as always) Then I went out of town, to camp, and it rained. And it thundered and it lighteninged (is that a word? it is now. tee hee) Umm, it was pretty fun, met some how gay men out there... I took a clowning workshop, had a campfire (mosquitos...evil bastards) then stayed up til 2 am playing Rummy with Chris.

Saturday: Whilst sleeping got kicked in the face by Chris, then kicked him back. woke up, had breakfast which consisted of 3 coffees and a banana. then went back to the teepee to sleep. and by that i mean i played more rummy. then we went on a hike to a sundance circle, which is freeking amazing. STORY TIME!!!!!!!!!!

Once upon a time there were the native people. And every winter they split up into small groups so it would be easier to survive the harsh winter. When Spring came around all of the native people of the tribe gathered at a common place to celebrate the arrival of spring and regrouped, into uh, the big group, right. During this ceremony that lasted about 6-7 days, they would build a fort of sorts. They built it out of trees from the area and used all natural things from the spot they had picked. In the end, there is this huge fort thing with a big pole sticking straight up the middle and on it they tie coloured peices of fabric. Then when they are done, then leave it, and then it slowly dicintigrates (Tristan, im sorry if i spelt it wrong, nm im thinking incinerates) back into nature, where they took everything from. Its really rather amazing. Its very sacred and you are not supposed to touch it. When i first went to camp, which would have been 11 years ago (sigh) It was remarkably beautiful, now, its still beautiful but in a different kind of way. (side note, i almost killed Gerald when he rested his foot on it. Fuck, he makes me so mad. end side note)

After that, we went back to camp, ate lunch, which was burritos, (at this point i was extremely happy that i didnt have to sleep that nite in the teepee with 4 teenage boys and one adult male) After lunch, we made a craft, i rather enjoyed it... you can see it later. then i got into my car, and drove home... On the way home, i got this huge mother of a headache... But i slowly got ready for the partay... fast forward to the part where i look hot. lol, ok, so im at the party now. It was awesome! My first adult party where i was the youngest person there... I made some connections had some really great conversations and in the end it was good... Then i went to visit with Chels, Mike and Jeff and a bunch of guys. It was fun. i just hung out for like half an hour, and then i went home...

SUNDAY! I got woken up at 1230... to wash the car... with the pressure washer. Fine. Then i got ready to go to THE FOOTBALL GAME! there was this one really freaking awesome hit, the rest was boring, for the most part. The part that WAS NOT boring was the ride home... I was on 16th ave at 10th st NW when i looked in my rear view mirror and saw this REALLY REALLY hot guy wave. I wasnt sure if he waved at me, so i said to MY MOTHER umm, i think that guy just waved at me. Then thought nothing of it. (and by that i mean, the light turned red and they had to stop and then some bimbo went behind me in the lane so i couldnt see them anymore) BUT THEN! Mom and i decided to go to Peters Drive In and I ditched off of 16th onto fourth to get there faster cuz traffic sucked. And guess who turned as well... The hotties! I know, so at this point im like, uh mom, I think theyre following me. (may i just mention that by the end of this story, my mom has tripled her coolness factor) So whatever, i get to center street and i my moms like, uh oh, theyre pulling up... And they pulled up beside me, now one would think this a horrifying situation with ones mother there but she was totally cool about it. So he rolls down his window... i rolled down my mothers, we talked for a few sentences. Then his friend, who goes to crescent, Named Jared, says hey wanna race, i say i dont race. Then uh, i started coasting into the intersection at the appropriate time and Hottie in the passenger seats yells, "THAT A GIRL!" and i kick their asses with the Lincoln and give them a lil wave. Then i turned off to go get a milkshake, and hottie waved... *sigh* It was totally innocent and super awesome, and the whole time my momma just smiled. I love my momma. And she also promised not to tell Jolene that i raced the Lincoln. I love my Momma. And i looked hot today. Which made it even better. Its fun flirting with hotties.

Thats the end of my weekend... I think it was fairly awesome. Comparatively speaking... im going to sigh one more time... *sigh*

Now im going to invite you all to a party. At my house on Canada Day evening. Also, im going to Princes Island Park for the majority of the day. Anyone who wishes to join me/party with me give me a call at 803 5389!!!!!!

ttfn, Jiggy (super Jiggy) :P


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