Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Guys... I am into an I DONT GIVE A FUCK STAGE. I mean i obviously care enough to get upset, but i mean Jesus, what else would you like to tell me at this point and time...

I shall make a list an organize my thoughts...

Things Jaryd is Stressed out/thinking about...

1. Grad... everything is done, except: my nails, and purse
2. Ickies: Grade 11 script, make ickies/buy them, write speechs, make fluffy's costume, etc etc etc...
3. Kelsey, i am so fucking lost with this one. I dont know, i just dont want my grad to be ruined. i will attempt to remain civil, but i am not going to sit around and have her demean me in anyway. Its not going to happen, other people may not say anything when she does it, but i will. This makes me so angry.
4. Biology
5. Im starting to uh, disappear, and im starting to not care about certain things and people. This happens quite often when something ends or someone leaves. So, I have promised myself to try my hardest to keep hanging out with those i love, and to not start protecting myself until the 19th of June. That way, i can mourn over those that i will not see as much, and smile because i no longer have to see anyone i dont want to see.
6. PDA class... must finish Journal/portfolio...
9. Renee is "getting married" to a criminal that shes known for a week, has never met, and is in love with. WTF...
10. one of my old friends is pregnant and misses me
11. Chelsie has no one to talk to
ok... i feel a little better now... not a lot, but ya know how it is.

ttfn, Jaryd

PS. Perhaps its jealousy? I mean, now that i think about it, im at the top of the 2 lists that she wants. hmm... that would explain her resentfulness towards me. Perhaps.


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