Monday, November 07, 2005

I'm the lock, you're the key

so today then... umm, it was kinda crappy. the majority anyway. well, pretty much just work. so like 10 hours. yes thats right, i was at work for 10 hours. it wasnt the overtime that was crappy, just the fact my brain decides to go off into this place. its accesible and everything. actually my thoughts are too accessible. so now i have had this epiphany of some form. As a result i spent the remaining hours of my day confused as to whether i should vomit, or cry. so yes. it sucked.

i have heard a gin blossoms song everyday for the past 3 days. its getting kinda weird, cuz uh, no one plays the gin blossoms anymore. ive also heard a specific song by reo speedwagon too many times to count. the randomness that is radio is sort of losing its meaning.

seriously though. where the hell does the time go. its really weird how when ur hanging out and all of the sudden 3 hours went by. wtf did we do to make 3 hours disappear? not that i wasnt having fun, i just find it odd. sometimes i wish i could find the pause button.

someone told me that my eyes tell a story. is that true? can you read me through my eyes. cuz im pretty sure that you can only read what i want you to read and if i really didnt want you to know, then you wouldnt be able to tell.
the end.

ttfn, Jiggy


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