Monday, October 24, 2005

"im the opportunity and you didnt jump on it" heh.

Tonight I got picked up in the lamest funniest way ever. I laughed the whole way home.

these are lame, dont do them while trying to pick up a girl.

1. if a girl has be writing the whole time shes somewhere, DO NOT approach her and ask if she has a pen. LAME

2. DO NOT ask her if she wants your number.

3. Comments about a womans eyes are LAME. mostly. well, "your eyes are very intriguing" = LAME.

4. DO NOT ask if she blogs. even though blogging is not lame, well, it can be, but asking at this time is LAME.

5. DO NOT leave the pen she gave to you to keep, so that you wouldnt have to be lame to another, at the table.

All in all it was totally lame, but coffee boy was in ear shot, so partially worth it.

i watched this documentary on this man who has a genetic disorder where his skin falls off. it wasnt like utterly depressing, i mean it was sad and everything, but the guy was so funny and just amazing. i dunno. i dont normally watch things like that, but it was well put together. he had a great sense of humour. i guess you'd have to, hey.

im going to bed...

ttfn, Jiggy


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