Sunday, October 16, 2005

a break through has occured

AS IF THAT HAPPENED. WOW. FUCK. i dont even know how to comprehend this evening. i feel priviledged and shocked. i cannot believe that. seriously. you dont understand. this is the last thing i thought would happen. fuck.

on a different note...

AS IF THAT HAPPENED. WOW. FUCK. two amazingly awesome things happened in one night. GAH! i just did the happy thing. i havent done that in so long... do you know what the happy thing is? its basically that i cant keep still and all the energy in my body goes to my hands and then my hands dance together. a wonderful happy dance. im glowing. im so happy right now. god. im trying really hard not to blow both events out of proportion. *SIGH*... i wonder what he writes... im just gonna stop now. no im not......................

ttfn, Jiggy... like really super Jiggy.


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