Saturday, November 05, 2005

Last night...

I dreamt of people painting in the dark and a war that cannot be won even in my dreams. i woke up many times and then the same thought would enter my mind and i was back in my subconscious. I dreamt of fire and water. at the same time. of a struggle that can only end badly. i needed help with the things that i already know how to do. oranges. i was giving out oranges. but only one person took one. they took the open one. i laughed. parts were manificantly beautiful and other were familiar and dull. ive had a familiar feeling all day. i dreamt of trust. i broke the rules and walked through a room full of smoke. someone stirred black coffee i think. ive done that before. and art in the dark. i dont get it.

ttfn, Jiggy


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