Thursday, October 27, 2005

its so hard not to blame him

i had a pretty freaking awesome day. i spent time and money today, and i think it was all worth it. i laughed a lot and as a result coughed a lot, but still, the pain was worth it.

i saw a small version of someone i went to highschool with, it made me sad.

i got a happy letter.

im going to see...... CHICAGO. BOOYAW. i love my momma.

i decided today that life is too short to not spend money on something that makes you feel that good. so i spent it... then snuck it into my house. lol. and i bought something that involves TWO of my favourite things... Shiny and Rainbow... sooooooooooooooo good.

the music selection at lunch was ummm... how do i say... depressing... Jan Arden, Gin Blossoms, Rod Stewart, etc, *sigh* and vomit.

ttfn, Jiggy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We obviously need to converse!
Love you, word to your mother, chap chap grandpa etc and so forth.

8:02 p.m., October 27, 2005  

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