Friday, November 04, 2005

gay men, tears, *sighs*, and violence

People are stupid and fucking lame. these 3 guys came into Gerrys tonight and were throwing creamers and broke a sugar container. and then when my favourite waiter came over to ask them to leave one of the guys threw coffee on him. i was pissed then and i continue to be so. fuckers. that makes me so fucking mad! RARR

I saw Chicago tonite and it was soooooo good! i had so much fun and it was so shiny! YAY!

I cant possibly understand why people get married. fuck that.

ive been doing that thing calle thinking... and uh. fuck that as well. its getting me nowhere.

ttfn, Jiggy


it was like fate so i took it and this is the result. when they sing this song, i will laugh, because in an incredibly depressing period of my life i painted it on my wall...

What Simple Plan Song Are You.
brought to you by >


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