Sunday, October 23, 2005

Saturday night i feel the air is getting hot, like you baby.


sorry Lauryn, i left my msn on. i was at coffee with Rebecca and you will be proud of me, yet again... 2 times in a year? i must be sick or something... :P i have a quote for you by the way... but it will be included in the quote section, youll have to decipher it. he also called me sweety again *sigh*. and i asked Rebecca if it was different now that i was there and she said it was completely different. i should get a gold star or something ; ) im at work tomorrow but call me k! 291 3133 GAH!

last night my car went *cough*. my emergancy break works though! what a night. not like the song but just what a night. there are really no words. well, there are some, but i guess i shouldnt speak of them.

i have quotes for you.

" Wet clean up, shoes" > walmart after i dropped my slurpee...

"I love you, are the carrots ready?" > Six Feet Under

"I'm a 6'3 walking stick" > Tristan on why i keep him around when im drunk :P

"Size matters but not necisarily the length" > i dont think this one needs an explanation.

"I think all of your atoms are separating" > me commenting on Rebecca

"Every time i hear your voice i spin around" > no deciphering needed.

in the coffee shop tonight after a specific conversation this song played. well, sort of during it. it was the "dont you want me baby" song. hehe.

After the coffee shop Rebecca and i went dancing at Jimmy Deans. it was fun. theres so many memories of that place!

and now... i am home.

ttfn, Jiggy : )


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