Saturday, October 15, 2005


im leaving tomorrow morning.

my lips hurt real bad...




ttfn, Jaryd... *sigh*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Referral Rewards Via AdSense
O'Reilly European Open Source Convention October 17-20, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Here's an idea for rewarding web publishers and bloggers who link to your site.
Gooday, I find it very exciting to occasionally find a site such as yours with a different topic completely. It somehow ads to ones list of lifes experiences. I guess it helps being a webmaster as well.

I sometimes have a soft spot for blogs related to website hosting and /or sites that have a central theme around website hosting type items.

Once again, thank you, and I hope you don't mind if I visit again sometime :-)

1:55 a.m., October 15, 2005  

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