Wednesday, November 09, 2005

i am not a rent head, i am not a rent head, etc and so forth

Ok, so MAYBE I've been a LITTLE obsessive about this musical. maybe. i think i need to tone it down. Today I walked around work with Without You, Another Day, Santa Fe, One Song Glory, Will I and many more stuck in my head. Ive been listening to the cd every day when i get ready. it may be getting out of hand... *sigh* its like everytime i listen to the songs i find something new in them.

I dont think i like her. im trying really hard to like her. its hard to get along with someone who doesnt let you express your concerns.

i think i survived today. not really sure how. but i survived. and i feel less nauseuous, so thats good!

i have been acting like such a freaking fool for the past 2 weeks. i know what ur thinking and i mean, MORE so than ever before. its ridiculous. i dont think that i absorb things that are said to me. a while ago i decided that i was absorbing way too much, in the sense of peoples energies and such. So i decided to try to work on my deflecting skills. i think its gone too far. i need to find a happy medium.

ttfn, Jiggy


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