Tuesday, July 26, 2005

if i lose it all, they'll be nothing left to lose

i had this amazing day today... so amazing...

1. my mom woke me up early and tossed an envelope on my bed, it was my diploma mark for english and i got 85%, then i went back to sleep.

2. My manager called just after i woke up at one and asked if i could come into work to talk about the position i applied for. in short, i got me a shiny promotion!

3. i came home and told Jolene about both peices of good news and then she told me that i was getting a new car. a shiny gold fully loaded 1997 thunderbird. im gonna play the beach boys all the time in it... heh.

4. got the see a movie for free. fun times.

5. It rained today!

ttfn, Jiggy


Blogger Jiggy said...

Hey Mama, Black Eyed Peas...

we multiply like we matemetice, yo. thats my im 18 and like to dance song. heh.

12:56 a.m., July 29, 2005  

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