Monday, July 18, 2005


thats right kids! its a: a travel agency in which you see the whole world via tuna riding. lessons will be provided. or b: a travel agency for tuna only. like a members of the tuna species only. heh. THE TUNA HAVE RISEN AGAINST US!! CAN THEM ALL! i mean uh... nice little tuna. it amuses me so much. fortuna travel. OH! maybe its a travel agency that puts together tours to obtain tuna, travel fortuna kind of thing. hmm... its all very intriguing!

my eyes feel like sandpaper. my allergies have been acting up really bad lately. it hurts.

i went to see sky flowers today. My favourite are the big ones that look like a huge sprinkling of pixie dust sent from neverland. theyre pretty.

i cant type anymore because i cannot see. it hurts so freaking bad. it doesnt hurt when i hold my eyelids out, but i cant do that and type.

i did go to a workshop for my store. it was filled with fun rolepalying exercising. not really though. i shudder at the word roleplay.

i wonder if i have visine somehwere... this is insane.

ttfn, Jiggy


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