Monday, July 25, 2005

caught between low and whoa...

today... hmm.... today. i worked from 9-620 ish... i didnt get a real break and i closed the store by myself for the first time. *sigh* please dont comment on that... i promise not to stay there forever. since ive been home, ive been listening to music and packing. ive decided to pack up everything that i love but dont have room for, every script since grade 10, posters from plays, programs, opening night cards, the dolls i used to like collecting, cards that were especially thoughtful or shiny, my baton, a keyboard, a cellphone, a diary, many journals and scrapbooks, and other stupid things that i have kept for too long. *sigh* its sad. especially because i always wanted someone to be there with me. instead i boxed the memories by myself. i threw away more stuff that belonged to Renee (its like she hid it everywhere in my room), not really anything else except papers... in one she wrote "i now know that the only people who matter are Isaac, me and Joshy"... whatever. not like that wasnt apparent. i had an encounter with something in my basement this evening... i kept hearing weeping. i told them that it was ok and not to cry and then it stopped. i felt it pass me too. strange, but it was alright. i didnt freak out. perhaps now is a good time to pack my stuffed animals up. i wish to spend as long as possible working on refreshing my room and its contents tonite. the end.

ttfn, Jaryd


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