Saturday, July 23, 2005

mmmm.... arrowroot!

these are like the best cookies in the world. seriously, they are so yummy, i think i just ate about 15 of them. in a row. oh ya, so yummy. kids get the best things. no wonder adults are so pissy all the time. well, im not pissy all the time, just sometimes. and definately not when i have arrowroot cookies. ok Jaryd, back away from the half eaten box of baby cookies... just one more... im off the the stamps game now and i pray that we win because about an hour ago a woman called me, the convo went something like this:
Me: Hello?
Them: *angry* Is this Jaryd?
M: yes?
T: Is she aware that shes going to get her ass kicked tonite?
(at this point a thought of me being in physical danger floats acrossed my mind while i ponder where ill be tonite that would allow that to potentially happen, then i realize that im going to the stamps game, then i realize that Patti, my manager, will be there, she just happens to be a crazy riders fan) the convo gets less interesting after that point. well, pray with me children!

ttfn, Jaryd


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