Saturday, July 16, 2005

you can't change a stubborn mind

someone told me yesterday that the things that i were saying didnt matter. all that mattered is if i knew what i wanted. and this is the only thing that i know for sure. i can honestly say, at this moment in time, in this aspect, i know what i want. that doesnt mean that ill get it, its just for my peace of mind. so really what good is it. not much. my peace of mind is regularily compromised anyway. *sigh*

i went to see the wedding crashers tonite with Amber, it was soo funny. i love vince vaghn...

i have found a spot. its a good spot i beleive. hopefully its not crowded. we'll see if i remember how to get there tomorrow...

heres my emo thingy for the day, i heard it in a song, "i only thing of you on two occasions, day and night"...

there is only one thing that remains of her in my life. the rest has been deleted today. now i just have some painting to do... in the process of clearing out my computer i came acrossed some songs and some poems. why is it that things get written and then discarded?

perhaps i will watch a movie now. sounds good to me. oh wait! its saturday! snl!!! yay!

ttfn, Jaryd


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