Tuesday, July 19, 2005

when i woke up this morning god i missed you something fierce

These nine hour shifts are going to kill me. It seems that the more i sleep the worse i feel. Last night i fell asleep, sleep through the thunder and woke up in the same position that i fell alseep in. i had a dream. the only one i remember anyway, and it stuck with me the whole day. Even now. So my day started at nine am, and ended at 6 pm. I went to A&B sound on my break and bought the new Backstreet Boys cd (ya thats right, you know you wish you were as cool as me) and i bought ColdPlay A Rush of Blood to the Head. just before the end of my shift a girl i graduated with came into work. I havent seen her since the grad banquet, so we hung out for a bit after work. then i came home and had a bit of a pity party. not so much a pity party. more of a breakdown. then i slept for a bit. i feel better now. i guess. I have no patience for girls and their fucking bullshit. there i said it its out and done. rarr.

You. Call me when you see that im not online and have left you this curious little, YOU! comment. do it. please...

ttfn, Jaryd

Tegan & Sara song choice of the day: Heavy


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