Saturday, July 16, 2005

strange and beautiful are the stars tonight

So i went to work for another half hour... then Robyn and i went over to her house to just hang out. Her roomate told her that he got his own store in lethbridge, as in gets to be manager down there. it was cool for him, but at the same time kinda sad. that was basically it. i was on my way home and i was driving down deerfoot just as the sky flowers were going on. it was pretty sweet and pretty dangerous, cuz well, you know. i dunno what else to say. i consulted my tarot cards a night or two ago, and they told me what i already know. perhaps i will try again when im not so tired. i think im going to light a candle tonight. its the only thing i brought back for me from alaska. when you light it its supposed to resemble the northern lights (there were no northern lights when i was there, but i hoped that it would be pretty, and well, shiny.) hey look! its a smiley who lost an eye! .) heh. cyclops. except not really.

ttfn, Jaryd

do it!


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