Friday, July 22, 2005

im not aware of how i could possibly love you without aching...

So... a nine hour shift, it wasnt that bad... not really... and now im entering this VIP panel thingy. basically its a trip to montreal but you have to talk about clothes for four hours. im thinking its an alright trade off. it would be awesome to go back to montreal, except this time i would conquer Montreal night life. fun! so yes. tomorrow is the stamps game. if we lose i will hear it from my manager forever. Say it with me sandlot style, FOR.... EV.... ER.... *sigh* umm, ya... i dont really have anything to say. Jolene and Lara are gone for the weekend, so thats good away time. Im going to watch my favourite tv show now... LOVE. i also am in love with Tegan & Sara. going to the tv now.

Peace out A Town (OH! i said to an old friend today when i was leaving work, she was shopping, so im like peace out a town and shes like "stay white soul sistah" it was so funny!)

ttfn, Jiggy

PS: People at work have been calling me by my nickname lately... its not bad, its just different....


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