Wednesday, July 13, 2005

i can't tell you from the drugs

i had a pretty relaxed day. i got up and bused it to my work to discover that my favourite shiny thing (my coat) is missing/has been stolen. then Marlene, a lovely lady that does the visual stuff from work, offered to drive me to Leannes to get my nails filled. when i got there we all had some rum and coke, lol. the finished product of my nails is awesome. i got mini rainbows and i love them soo much, all i have to do is look at them and i smile! after that i bused it to the other side of the city. 3 buses later i arrived at my destination. then we walked to happy hour at options. we will not talk in excess about the touchy drunk man named Mike, except that he said you have to take care of me. drunk people are smart. one time at a stamps game a drunk guy told me to "never dip your pen in the company ink". heh. then i got a ride home. its awfully kind of them to do so. nice relaxing day. i find that the bus is calming. no road rage. but the bus puts no restrictions on how much i can drink. so for the week i was on my cruise, i drank. and then everyday since ive been back, ive drank. not excessively like i cant walk and i slur my speech, but nonetheless, theres been no pausing. anyway. i really like Jimmy Eat World. Drugs or Me is my favourite song of the moment. i think thats it.

tttfn, Jiggy


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